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Asami's POV

         "Why did you tell Shoyo to do 'that'? Are you thinking straight that time?" I looked straight at Enri's eyes without showing any signs of fear. What's his problem if I told Shoyo to do that,it's for his own good,he can be happy again like in the past.

        "I'm thinking straight that time,and Ino agreed with me,even though he doesn't want to."all of us know how much Shoyo means to Ino,the way he treasures him is out of this world. His over protectiveness that sometimes are too much because of getting worried.

       I believe on myself and on my decisions, I know that Shoyo would be more happy if he do 'that', he's just worried and shy to tell us about it. I clearly saw how happy he looked like when he's exchanging messages with a person that is important to him.

       "Do you know what will happen if he gets hurt again? Do you know what's the possible outcome is?" He point a finger at my face and look at me in the eye,while he's other hands is clenching tightly that he might pop all of his veins on his arm.

         Why can't he understand that I'm doing this for Shoyo,for him to be able to smile brightly like how he smiled before we became his friend. The smile that can mesmerized anyone and make them smile too,the look in his eyes that shines brighter than the sun.

          If they really want him to be happy then there's no other way than to bring him and his former friends back together again,even if I don't want to do that. This is the only way for us to see him all energetic,happy and full of hope again.

        "Enri listen to me,I,no I mean we did that because we want Hinata to be  his same old self." I stand up from my seat,slapping away his finger that was pointing at me like it was gonna stab me in the eye because of how close it was.

          "No,his happy with us,why can't you see that. He doesn't need those people who hurt him."his words are right but at the same time wrong. He's the one who can't see it,the way Hinata acted when his alone and missing the warmth of his friends.

        "Enri we can't do anything now,Shoyo did what I told him to when we got home yesterday. Please understand and respect Shoyo's decision,he want to smile with his friends Enri,we can't change that."I said as I excuse myself,walking away from Enri,as I put back the book I was reading at the table.

        "What if he gets hurt again? What if he can't take the pain this time?"That question made me stop from walking and looked at him with a determined eye,answering his questions with pure honesty,and words that I don't say to anyone.

       "Then we'll just have to comfort and be with him again no matter what happened. If he needs us,we'll be there for him,if he wants us to stay with him, then we'll stay with him without hesitations."I said and walk away from the room completely.

      When I was in Elementary I never accept friends who left me for someone,I don't comfort them if they were hurt.I didn't help them if they needed him,because I know they were talking behind my back but Shoyo Hinata was way too different from all of them.

        I just hope that our decision wasn't wrong cause if it is,I would blame myself if he gets hurt again. I can't see him being hurt again like the past 5 months,I don't want to see him cry miserably and destroy himself just because of his old pathetic friends.


    "Then why don't you forgive all of them Shoyo. I know that you still want to talk to them and be friends with them again."I smiled as I look at him,no matter how much I hate the thought of it,I can't just stop him from talking to his friends.

            "Eh what are you talking about? Why would I want to be friends with them?" He said as he panicked around us,hiding his phone inside his cute little back pack,his face flushed a tint of pinkish color,as he gets flustered at the same time.
           "Sho you always look lonely when your all by yourself,you look liked you'll cry without a second if you remembered them."Ino said smiling softly and telling him gently what he looks like if his alone and what kind of expressions his making everytime he remembered his old friends.

      "I didn't cry when I remembered them,and I'm not lonely cause I have you guys. Why are you guys saying at things like that?"he looked at us with a confused face and questioning eyes, he's probably wondering right now why were suddenly saying things like that to him.

        "We just want you to be happy like how you were from the past. And I think they miss you too,you just don't know."I said as I brushed his hair back off of his forehead, if I'm allowed to tell him what he looked right now he'll be mad.

       "No more buts and what ifs Sho, just follow your heart. Listen to it until you found your answer to your every question to us. And if you do find an answer,don't waste no more time and just forgive them okay."Ino explained as he put his and Shoyo's head together with a smile on his lips and his eyes closed.

      Maybe he's thinking why he was convincing Shoyo to forgive his former friends and be able to smile with them again. He's questioning himself on why he was letting his inner self overtake him and get the full control on him at that kind of time with the looks of it.

        Ino's not the type of a person to let go the person he cares the most,he won't let that person to be near the others. If it's possible he just want them to stay by his side 24/7.

         "But,I can't just forgive them without talking to them attentively,and I can't just do it without the others knowing about it."he's talking about Enri and the guys,he really cares for them.

        "It's okay,they'll stop you if they knew."as I said that I gave him a reassuring smile that nothing bad will happen if he give them another chance.

       "Okay,if it's really what you want. I'll be happy to forgive them and I'm starting to get annoyed and scared at the same time at what they're doing in the school. I won't lose time with you guys even if we got close again."he chuckle slightly and hug us without saying anything.

    I hope that Shoyo find the happiness that he was looking for ever since he got seperated  by his friends. I hope that he'll be able to communicate with them normally.

       I don't want him to suffer,it's better for us to feel lonely than him. I can choose to make him happy over and over again since all the time all he did was to make us happy,so it's time for us to repay it.

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