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Hinata's POV

           Today will be going to the Eiffel Tower, we might be go up there if it's allowed,and take some pictures and keep it as memories. Or we should just maybe go to the famous museum first, to watch all the beautiful arts that was displayed in there.

        Yesterday when we arrived here we stayed to the hotel and never go out because all of us were tired from the travel. We just unpacked our clothes and other things,eat yummy foods,enjoyed the big room and talk with each other,all of us share a room with one person but not me though.

             They reserved four biggest room in this hotel and they shared with each other,it was a little embarrassing because I'm the only one who didn't have someone to share to. I wanted to share a room with Enri-kun but he told me that I should enjoy and use the room all to myself.

          We ate dinner last night, I don't know what those are but I kept on eating them since it was Asami-san's recommendation. Thankfully it was delicious and to my taste,i just kept on eating those because the spices are nice and it smells good.

            "Shoyo,where do you wanna go first?" Asami-san ask and tie my hair up,even though it's quite short,it was tied up near my forehead and it looked cute on me for sure (like Kenma's second hair tie).

           "I don't know,I'll go anywhere you want to."I took a bite from my bread,I put some butter inside it so it's yummy. We're currently eating our breakfast right now since it's only 7:08  in the morning,all of us are eating bread with coffee or some are drinking tea.

           I put some bread on Asami-san's mouth since she's tying my hair up,and she can't use her hand since it's dirty now cause she touched my hair with it. I'll just feed her and I don't mind doing that because it's been so long since I fed one of them.

        "This is your first vacation overseas Shoyo that's why you can go anywhere you want here." Miyuu-kun said then smiled at me while his eating,flashing us his super duper white teeth,it's whiter than the table cloth in this table that we were eating right now.

           "Oh okay,then I want to go to the tower,I really want to see the city up there. And I can't wait to show it to Mom and Natsu when I get home."I didn't know that I was talking too much because I got excited just thinking about the tower and my future memories there.

             They smiled at me when they saw how excited I was and how flustered I am when I noticed I was being loud. I forgot to say that we're not the only one in here in the eating area of this beautiful hotel.

         "Sorry I was too loud. I'm just so excited to see everything, my heart keeps on beating fast everytime I think about the tower. Many people go there because it was really fascinating to look at." I rattled again,saying things accidentally that was inside my head,that I kept as a secret.

           "Then,the tower it is. Now,now finish your breakfast and we'll be leaving after each and one of us took a bath."all of them are done eating and I'm the only one left enjoying the foods. Even Asami-san who o was feeding, ate later than me, but finished a lot earlier than I am.

         Because of that I got shy and didn't finish my meal and tell them that we should go back to our room to get ourself ready and everything we needed in the outing. I can't wait to get on top of the Eiffel tower and capture it with the camera that they bought for me last night.

           I took a shower for half an hour and change into a white long sleeves and top it off with a beige short sleeves,I tacked it in on,on my six pocket red shorts,with chains on the front side and i wore a white high shoes,with socks. And then I wore fashion glasses with a shade of pink,not totally pink but it's just like a faded pink.

           I took my small sling bag with me,I put my phone,my headset,power bank, tissue, mint, alcohol,I.D, perfume and my wallet inside it. And the camera that was bought to me last night was clinging on my neck,I refused to let this go or put it in my bag because I might lose it without knowing about it.

          When I walk out of my door, Asami-san, Enri-kun and Kiba-kun,are already waiting for me outside my door dressed prettily and gorgeously. They're wearing designer clothes and in wearing something my mom gave me,she told me he bought this in the mall since it was write up in a shopping bag.

           But it's not as expensive as theirs,so no biggy they accept whatever I wear no matter how much it cost. As long as I can put up a style,my clothes will look expensive more than the hanged designer clothes in stores I see.

         "Wag,you all look great and pretty!" I squealed because I can't contain my happiness because of what they're wearing. All of them looked like a model,they're stunning they look like that they came out from the painting. I keep on glancing at their clothes,how are they my friends again?

         "You look adorable today too Hinata."eh I knew it they'll notice the new things about-

       I was cut off when I saw the others got out from their room,like, they are all handsome and pretty. I want to look at their faces forever and imprint their faces on my hear.

           "Okay now that we're all here,let's go to the Eiffel Tower and enjoy your first tour all around  it' all of us back and  check if something was wrong or not right."Ino-kun said and drag me with him out of the hotel.

         Ah,I hope that he always look at it and like the clothes that I'm wearing today. I want them to not feel uncomfortable because of my clothes.

        We ride the car that we used last night to get here,with the same driver.   We waited for the whole ride to end and to even stop at some store.

         I'm ready to be on top now. So tower don't dissatisfied me.




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