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Tsukishima's POV

National Winter High match is only three days away to start,and all of us have been practicing hard like really,really hard.

And Hinata has been cheering on us on the sidelines and sometimes he's watching our practice since he didn't want to come back for now.

His presence is a big help for all of us,to stay focus,be more dedicated to practice hard and tof course to be our happiness.

He always make sure to come on time of our practice,he always have drinks with him and towels, he really cared about us.

That's why we promise to ourselves not to forgot and hurt him anymore in any kind of way. That we would cherish him and make him happy again.

And today is Thursday and we're practicing here at the gym against Seijoh or Aoba Johsai as we know.

And they've been asking on where Hinata is since he isn't here yet and it's getting kinda annoying for me,maybe he's still with his friends beside us.

Did they come here for the practice match or for Hinata,if they're here for the match then they should just focus on the match.

They can always meet up with Hinata now that we're all okay together,they shouldn't lose their focus on the game they are at right now.

We've won two matches out of four,so both teams have two wins each and this is the fifth match and last for today.

We're currently taking a break and then after ten or fifteen minutes will be back to playing again later,I hope that Hinata can come.

"Hey guys,I'm sorry I'm late! Your still playing right?"a cheerful voice echoed inside the gym when a certain short tangerine entered the place.

Most of us snapped our head towards the direction of the voice,and it was really the tangerine with his friends following just behind him.

"Shoyo!"Nishinoya-san shouted as he saw Hinata and ran straight to him, then jumping on to the shrimp's wide open arms,latching to him.

"No,you aren't late Hinata. We still have another match." Sugawara-san said at Hinata when he got close to all of us with Nishinoya-san.

Nishinoya-san is still latching on him like a koala, he doesn't have any plans on letting Hinata go, that ended when his friends pulled him.

Hinata was pulled away from Nishinoya-san,the satisfied expression of Ryuuta-san while pulling Hinata away was plastered all over his face.

Ryuuta-san is the guy who have an attitude ever since we met them and talk to them,he's sweet and innocent in front of Hinata.

But he's the total opposite of what he always shows to Hinata,he's the kind of guy to play tricks on you and blame you at the end.

Then I guess he grew up like that,and maybe the shrimp doesn't know about his friend's true self or color.

I don't have any intentions to tell Hinata that 'cause I don't want their friendship to end like what happened to ours on the past.

"Nice,then I'll go watch in the bench beside Kiyoko-san and Yachi-san. Byebye."Hinata then waved at us as he walk up to Kiyoko-san and Yachi-san with his friends.

Ryuuta-san (Ino) and Nana-san (Miyuu) look back at us and then stick out their tongue.

"Aish those two I'll cut off their tongue."Tanaka-san said, very pissed off by what happened just now to us,but Daichi-san held him back.

"Just let them Tanaka,let's just focus on the game and show Hinata that were strong like always." Daichi-san and then drink his water.

Tanaka-san just clicked his tongue then warmed up again to not lose his adrenaline from earlier's match,and me I'm just sitting.

I've been sitting here ever since Hinata and his friends came,I didn't move an inch of my finger from where I am just to see his face clearly.

Also, Kageyama wanted to talk to Hinata but he didn't cause maybe his shy? I didn't know Kings know how to be shy.

Then coach told us to get ready because we will start any minute from now on,that's why we started to stretch our body again.

"Tsukishima good luck,make use of your height you beanpole!"Hinata shouted from the bench,waving at me with a wide smile on his face.

"Atleast I'm tall you shrimp!"I replied back at him making sure to mock him and triggered his anger issue caused by his height.

"But I'm more amazing than you!"I laugh at what he said at the back of my mind,trying to have a disagreeing face.

"What I can't hear you? Your too small to be heard!"I grinned as I know that he's already pissed to what I said to him.

He look away, uttering with his defeated face,pouting his lips and then cheered on the other team as he always de,he cheers on someone he knows.

Teams doesn't matter to him as long as they are close to him,he'll cheer for them,it ain't no issue for the likes of him.

"Do your best Kageyama,Hiro!" He cheered on and giving them a reassuring smile, then put his thumbs up showing it to them.

"Thank you Hinata-san, I'll do everything I can I promise." Hiro said as he replied then waved at Hinata and then smiled brightly at him.

Hinata looks adorable if he's smiling but he looks much more adorable if he's pouting like what he did earlier when he lost to me.

Wait what? Did I just call the shrimp adorable? I did? What's going on to me lately these past few days.

Everytime I think about him all I can remember was his smile and his face that he always show us but it's totally different if I'm thinking about him.

Is this what they call falling inlove? But I'm sure I don't like him in a romantic way,I just like him as a friend and a team mates.

Last night when I received a message from him, my heart just beat unctrollably and fast,so I thought I was having a heart attack.

But j remembered I don't have any illness,so maybe I was just happy to receive a goodbnight message from me.

I know that it wasn't just me that received a good night message from,I know that all of us received it.

"Tsukishima it's time to play,do your best. Everyone let's do our best." Daichi-san said and then went inside the court.

I guess this is it,watch me carefully Hinata. Don't turn your head away from me.

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