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Hinata's POV

        The training camp ended yesterday and right now I'm back to going to class. For the past days before  the camp ended I never go out of my room because I was so ashamed and embarrassed that I cause so much trouble for my fellow athletes.

       I know that they don't mind but it's too embarrassing for me,imagine going out of your room and seeing the people that you disturb because of a ruckus that about you. They don't mind it,instead they keep coming to my room and tease me about it.

        Now I'm back to school to meet my friends and classmates after a few weeks of training camp which I really didn't get to train,I just watched every game without being catch by the others. But I really enjoyed it until the last game of everyone there.

         Entering the room,I was surprised when a confettis was throw at me and a loud welcome back was yelled,by my classmates and friends. I almost choked because one of the confetti entered my mouth. It took me a few minutes to stop coughing,and get the thing out of my mouth.

      I walked inside the room,taking off of me the remaining confettis in my head,I smiled.

          "Aw,thank you guys. I didn't know that you'll prepare something like this."I was touched because of the thing they prepared,I didn't think they'll prepare something like this even though I was just away for training camp.

      "Of course Hinata-kun,you're important to us that's why we did this."one of my classmates said, she's the Miya-san she always bought me meat buns.

        I hug Miya-san and thank her for telling me that I'm important to them and I miss her too,and of course I miss everyone. She hugged me back,after that I hug everyone in there but what a shame teacher isn't here,I miss her too.

        "Thank you everyone for surprising me."I bowed,thanking them and showing them that I really am thankful for the surprise they did.

          Me and my friends say at our usual spot which is our seats,some of our classmates are with us,asking what happened about in the camp, if I had fun,or if I learned a new trick again.

          Of course I answered all their curiosity and questions without leaving anything unanswered. Even though some where about the people I don't wanna talk about and see,I still answered them.

         It wasn't long enough when our teacher came,she saw me and welcome me back like what the others did earlier but it was more like a greeting of generals because of how our teacher speak. I think teacher's in a bad mood today,so I better not get on her foul side.

        All of us immediately notice that she's jn a bad mood that's why we kept as decent as we can,and cause any trouble. Teachers always a happy person and she's on going like us,she supports us on anything we do,that's why we respect her and we always follow what she say. We don't cause trouble every time she's in a bad mood, we'll just have to properly wait until her bad mood melt away because of our cuteness.

      So when the class start we listened to her attentively even though I don't understand some parts of the lesson it's the same with the others like me. No matter how stupid I am in math but I'm quite knowledgeable in literature.

       Our class continued like this until it ended,we all grunt because we don't want teacher to go. The next class is math and it's really hard if it's in the morning subjects. We said our goodbyes and waited for our strict math teacher until she arrives,and the time for hell to open is right at this time.

     Our math class ended as early as we expected,I though teacher won't let us out until the end of break time but it's a miracle she let us go before break time. What's happening right now,at first our loving teacher suddenly came in our room with a foul mood and now our match teacher who always let us go after break time ended our class before the bell rings.

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