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Hinata's POV

             Today I've decided that I'll speak to my former friends and teammates about the things that we need to talk to. I don't want to keep this going, being held back by them in front of the school gate or being look at me creepily every time they got a chance, or forcing me to talk to them.

        I want to end it all,it makes me uncomfortable and scared at the same time. Everytime I'm alone by myself, I can feel someone's gaze directed carefully at me.

         The pressure of being followed everyday creepily is just getting more intense. I'm being really thankful that my friends are always by my side when I need them,not leaving unless they have something important to do.

        Everytime my friends pull me to nowhere, I knows that they're trying their best to stop my former team to talk to me,which is very convenient for my sake. Whenever two or three of my friends always stays behind when we need to go somewhere,I  knows the reason behind it.

          I'm  afraid that one day one of my friends will be coming back to me with bruises. I don't want them to run into trouble because of me,I  just want a happy life with my friends and family,without trouble.

        That's why I'll talk to my former teammates and ask them to stop from following me everyday or even try to bring me back to the team again.  It's time to end this unnecessary things that's been happening to all of us for the past weeks.

       Maybe talking to them later after school will do,I won't tell my friends because if I do they won't let me go there. They're being protective of me this days,they keep on coming with me wherever I go but I liked it.

       All of us can spend time together for a long time and have fun,while looking at our schoolmates or the garden of the school. We also likes to visit some of our friends from different clubs. It's been weeks since we talked to them,because of our hectic class schedules.

      Christmas break is coming after a week and the teachers and students are trying to finish the learning guides for this semester. Homeworks and projects are piling up this week and there will be more next week if we ain't lucky.

          "Shoyo stop daydreaming and eat your food." Enri-kun said,picking up one of my rolled eggs and feeding it to me.

       "Sorry,I'm just thinking about my projects." I laughed awkwardly after saying that and eat my food while it's hot.

         Miyuu-kun just keep on glancing everywhere if he got the chance not trying to be noticable. He'll look like a stalker if he's doing something like this in public .

         "Miyuu-kun you look like a pervert,stop peeking anywhere and eat."I said, giggling at the expression that he did. He look like he was caught peeking at some random girl.

       I pick up some food from my tray and feed it to Shion-kun who is already waiting for the food with his mouth wide open. His mouth is so big that a fly will be able to get inside of it,thinking that it's their hive.

          "Me too,I want to be fed by Sho-kun too." Kiba-kun and Ino-kun said in unison,they look at each other and started arguing on who asked me first.

       I just let them bicker as long as they want because that's their nature. Instead of giving it to one of them I decided to feed it to Asami-san,which made the two to stop arguing and targeting Asami-san.

         "It's not fair,I got to ask you first to feed me. But why did you give it to her?" Ino-kun said while acting like a child whose candy is stolen by some stranger.

       Kiba-kun just stayed silent and look at Asami-san intently,with pure and genuine smile at her. But that smile really doesn't seem like pure to me,if it's emitting a dark aura.

         "Hey stop looking at Asami-san like that Kiba-kun. Are you planning to kill her?" What if he kills Asami-san,oh my god am I gonna be a widow for my friends,this can't be.

        I hope he won't kill Asami-san because she got to be fed first. She just continue on eating without minding Kiba-kun's and Ino-kun's stare.

          Well I guess it'll be pretty normal for her since he knew them longer than me. But they wont be a able  to make me feel like I'm different to them.

       "Why did you only feed her,I want to be fed too." Ino-kun said while pouting his lips and his cheeks are quite bulging.

          I pick up some sushi in my plate and fed it to Ino-kun's and Kiba-kun's. They didn't even touch their food,and why did they eat mine,do they want to eat my entire food,so that's why it's like this.

           "Hinata you need to tell us about everything that's going around you latel okay?" I nodded at Asami-san and finish eating at the same time as the rest.

       "Okay I'll make sure to tell you if something happens."I smiled at them as bright as I can,and putting the chopsticks beside my plate and saying thanks for the food.

       "Well let's head back to the room,I'm sure break times over for a few more minutes and the terror teach will be our pro." Shion-kun said,just by describing him gives me a chill around here.

         "Eh we better move fast I don't want to experience being scolded by the professor"I agreed at Shion-kun,I drinked up my water and decide to leave that time cause it's dangerous

     "Hey what about we stay to Italy for the next weeks and let Hinata decide." Before some of us can answer, our terror teacher came and we'll be enduring this pain for an hour.


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