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Hinata's POV

             "Oh hello France!"I cheerfully said as I got off the plane,it was a long flight from Japan to France and I can say that it's tiring. I slept for so long and I didn't even feel so hungry because of my excitement to reach France immediately.

            The other people who  got off that were in a different plane looked at me confusingly,like it's the fist time for them to see someone enjoying the place. Well I don't care as long as I greet this place first thing in the moment I stepped out of the plane.

            "Shoyo,please don't shout like that you'll surprise the other passengers."Enri-kun said whith his soft voice,without a trace of being annoyed at what I'm doing.

            "Eh,I'm sorry Enri-kun I didn't know that."I panicked because I didn't know that those people can be easily get scared.

         I bowed at those people who saw me act like a kid,telling them that I'm sorry. Miyuu-kun ruffled my hair and stops me in saying sorry because it ain't really necessary he said,bowing is enough. And people can't understand what I'm totally saying to them.

         I laughed cheekily while looking at them,enjoying the feeling of the ruffling in my hair,I look like a child enjoying his daily dose of treat. This is the best treat for me,the ruffles in my hair that they always do makes me happy and relax wherever I am.

           "Stop laughing like a madman and let's get out of here Shoyo." Kiba-kun said and got inside the car waiting for us. Eh but I wanted to walk out there and look at other people.

             When we got out of the pad and where already in front of the airport,people started looking straight at us. And who wouldn't be looking at these beautiful cars,which cost millions and maybe hundreds of millions.

           They only brought two cars, Asami-san's car and Kiba-kun's,I am with Kiba-kun and Ino-kun in his car,and the other four are stuck wit Asami-san. My luggages are here too together with the the two at the trunk and only my backpack is with me.

           I fished out my phone out of my bag and immediately message Kunimi-san that we safely got here in France. He already know that I'll be in France after that last time when we got to talked in the park.

           We kept in touch with each other since that day,we talk a lot and tell stories about out selves. Saying our likes and dislikes,the things we do at our free time,what we do when we're with our friends.

         Just exchanging some basic information with each other,so that we will know about each other's preferences. His a lot more fun to talk to not like how I imagine he would, he always laugh and speaks so soft at me.

        Kunimi-san even told me if we got a free time on the same day he'll spends his time with me and bring me to Tokyo,cause we can't go out of the country since classes continues after this short vacation. So I agreed that we'll have an outing and enjoy Tokyo with just the both of us,cause if this people wants to come they'll only bring chaos there.

           I smiled when Kunimi-san sent me a photo of him while doing a sign peace with his fingers and his tongue
ge is stuck out a little bit. I took a photo of myself and while pointing my finger at my left cheek and blowing the isides of my mouth filling it with a little amount of air and making my eyes look cute,before sending it to him.

        "Who are you talking to, Shoyo?"Ino-kun asked me while looking at my phone,thank God he didn't saw Kunimi-san's name cause if he did he'll probably throw my phone away outside the car.

        Me and Ino-kun are sitting with each other, Kiba-kun sat on the shotgun seat besides his driver to make us feel comfortable. Eek,I need to make an excuse to tell him that I'm talking to no one.

             "It's Natsu,she's asking for my photo inside the car with you and only myself." I sweat dropped wishing that he'd believe it.

        He smiled and pulled me close to him, while taking my phone and opening my camera.

        "Then you should probably take a good photo with the both is,don't pay no mind to Kiba."he said and then tap so much at my phone,taking too many shots of photos.

           "Hey,why am I not in there,let me join you selfish child."Kiba-kun exclaimed while climbing his way out of his seat and transferring to ours.

         We then took so many photos and I don't know how many it was but my poor phone storage is full now,I can't take photos of France now. I glared at Ino-kun who was tapping my phone endlessly and taking too many photos of the three of us together.

          "Hey hey Shoyo why are you looking at me like that?"he nervously said and laughed awkwardly,slowly crawling his way to Kiba-kun's seat.

             "My phone's storage is full now and I can't take photos of the tower because of you."I whine and started to tear up,because of my phone.

         I never cry at this kinds of thing but this is different,way different. How can I have memories of this place if I can't even capture a photo.

        "Eh,don't worry I'll buy you a new camera,a better one as I must say."after hearing those blessed words from Kiba-kun,I lightened up and stop crying,wiping away my tears.

      "Really? You'll be me one even if I didn't ask you too? You won't get mad at me?"I ask him,because it would be bad if he really doesn't want to buy me anything and if his just forcing himself.

          "Why would I be angry at our Shoyo? It's out fault that your galley's full,not yours."oh yeah,it's their fault why my phone's full.

        I hug Kiba-kun and thank him for actually planning on buying me a new camera. I should capture our every moment with that camera if I can.

       No moments should be left out,everything must be caught by my newly-not-yet-bought-camera. And I can print it, put it in a picture frame and hang it on my room.

     "Young master we're here. Should I help you with your luggage,up to your rooms?"Kiba-kun's driver said and walk out of the car after stopping in front of a huge and tall hotel.

         "No need Aki-san,we can manage on our own. Did you reserve the biggest rooms in there?"oh we'll be staying with the biggest rooms,it's no surprise I guess for them.

          How could they stay in an ordinary room if they're used to big rooms. There's just no way they can get used to small spaces.

         "Yes,Young Master."Aki-san politely said and then take our luggage out of the trunk giving it to us.

        "Okay thank you, Aki-san. You can stay here too if you want,the payments on us."Ino-kun said and then smiled at Aki-san. I just waved goodbye at him and smile with all my heart and thank him for driving us in here.

         " The others will catch with is.Let's get inside now,Shoyo."Ino-kun holds my hand,and his other hand is pulling his small luggage and it's the same to me.

       Kiba-kun is following behind us with silence. I'm excited to tour around here tomorrow.





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