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Bokuto's POV

            Okay as you all probably know,all I do was go on emo mode when my disciple decided to quit volleyball for good. It hurts me everytime I think about playing without  him anymore or I can't teach him again,I was broken and disappointed at my own self.

         How could I forget about my own and my only disciple that looked up to me like nobody ever does. How could I forget about his compliments,his serious face when he plays,his smile,his eyes that shine when his amazed by something that looks cool for him.

         I was so sad,knowing that he blocked me,not just me but all of us who's close to him to all social medias,and even our phone numbers. No matter how much I cry it doesn't bring the fact that I'm being ignored like what happened to him for months.

         When Akaashi lied to me by saying that my disciple was just sick that's why he can't come to the training camp. And after knowing that he was quitting I got mad at Akaashi and blamed him for lying to me and not telling me the whole truth instead.

           I can't practice,eat and sleep well because of thinking about Hinata,if he's eating at the right time, or if his getting any sleep. Talking to him will be the only way to wash away my sadness and be able to forgive myself by hurting and forgetting my only disciple.

       For the past month I was all paranoid and worried,thinking about some scenarios where he won't forgive me or get mad at me. Those feelings were lingering and eating my sanity and myself everytime I remember Hinata without leaving any single trace of my  previous self and my thoughts.

         I was going on my emo phase yesterday but it was gone whe I read something on my phone. After reading the notification that was sent yesterday, I was overjoyed knowing that I can message and talk to Hinata again,but I didn't do it because I was scared.

         I was scared that he would laugh at me and tell me that he just unblocked me because he wants us to suffer from guilt. Or even worst he didn't mean to unblocked me and he just clicked something wrong on his phone without him even knowing.

        I can't call help or even sent a single message to him because I can't even type a simple word like hi or hello,how are you and more basic questions. I message  all of my friends if they got unblocked too and they all have the same answer which is a yes.

       But this time I'll surely sent a message to him,I won't wait for the time that he will regret his decision of unblocking us.  No matter how much I want to send him a bunch of messages like how I did in the past,I felt a strange feeling inside my heart.

         Maybe it's the pain of losing someone important to me,someone whose able to keep up with me except Akaashi or my mother. I was clenching pretty hard on my heart earlier while starring at my composed message that was ready to be sent to my only disciple.

      "Hi my disciple, I hope you're having a good morning. First I want to say sorry to you personally for the things I did unknowingly. I'm prepared to face your angry and harsh words towards me. It's all that I want to say to you. I hope I can celebrate my new year with you."

      That was the text message that I sent to him earlier,it was a short one  cause I'm still not sure if I can send a bunch of message to him like how I did in the past. I think he might become uncomfortable if I do send a mountain of messages.

        I just kept on waiting for his reply for a long time and it was worth it,he greeted me back with a good morning and told me that I can come to their house for celebrating the in coming new year.

      I sent him a ' thank you ' and rolled over my bed like some teen age girls who received a message from their crush,I almost fell off my bed because of that. I climbed out of my bed,before running down the stairs to go outside and go to Akaashi's house.

        I want to tell him that Hinata agreed to letting me come to their house for the upcoming new year. But I forgot that Akaashi's out of town right now since the start of the break,and he's in Hyogo to celebrate the Christmas their with his grandma and his family together.

       As I get back inside the house going straight to the dining area, that was the time I saw our maids cleaning up the whole house with ease. They keep on doing everything,they cook,do laundry,wash the dishes,some are cleaning but what I like the most about them is they treat me as their family not a master.

        "Good morning Michie-san,what's the breakfast? Did you eat already?" I ask them about food as soon as I sat on the chair. I drank some water to keep my throat wet and not become raspy.

      " Good morning to you too, Koutaro. It's just a simple breakfast that you always have when you were a kid. And yes we already ate breakfast." Michie-san said as she place the plate with food in front of me. Michie-san has been my nanny since I was a kid.

         She always helps me out with my problems or if I'm feeling down she always makes me happy. She is literally my second,and if Mom's not home or Dad,she's the one who always takes care of me,everytime I get fevers,cough or wound from playing.

      She's a real mother to me than my Mom,my Mom always think about about and the same with Dad. They didn't even celebrate the Christmas with me.

         As I eat my food I received a message from Kuroo bro that he was ask by Hinata to come to their house and celebrate the new year with. He even told me that almost all of us were invited to their house for the new year.

      I don't care about how many people will come,all I care about at this moment is how to talk to Hinata if I really got a chance to talk to him






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