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Third Person's POV

           Four days had passed since the start of the training camp and every atlethe are enjoying the most of it. The swimming club who was delighted by the big pool,the track and field club who got better space and place,the the table tennis club who enjoyed the closed surroundings,the archery club that enjoyed the silence of the room,the badminton club who loves the amount of balls. The volleyball club who loves the too much space and neat floor,and the same with the basketball club.

          No one in there feel left out or different. Each of them improved in a little spec of time.

        They make new friends from different club and schools.
Those who knew each other are always together everytime they got a chance of free time.

       Those who are hesitating to get out of their room are desperately pulled by others to join them. Just like what happened to Hinata yesterday,one of his friend from the basketball club carried him like he's a sack of rice.

         Hinata struggled so hard that time because he doesn't want to socialize with other people at that time. He's trying his best to punch his buff friend's back.

         But his friend didn't even budge how much he tries. At the end he gave up,letting his friend drag him like a sack to wherever he wants to.

       Something or should I say someone made his heart beat fast because of anxiousness. He saw Kageyama crossing the hallway opposite to them.

        He immediately wiggled his way to down to level his head on his friends body. His hands clinging on his friends neck,his face hiding on its chest,and legs that are wrapped around his  friends waist.

       Because of he's sudden movement his friend immediately knew what was happening. So he did his best to walk away as fast as he can to take Hinata out of there and to make sure that he wasn't spotted by whoever it was.

       They arrive at wherever it was,and all of the basketball players are there together with their Coach. They decided to make Hinata a little bit more comfortable in that place.

          So they've come to a idea that they'll teach Hinata how to play basketball. The small tangerine can't complain about it because someone was thinking of his happiness.

        He accepted his fate, he was about to sleep at that time but because of someone who interrupted him,it was ruined. His beauty sleep was ruined just because of them letting him try basketball.

       Hinata pick up the ball against his will, surprise because of how heavy the ball was. It was heavier than a volleyball,he's not used to that kind of weight.

        After of many fails on shooting the ball he finally managed to shoot one which made him jump because of joy. The whole team was chuckling  because of how cute and determined their little friend is.

         Hinata pouted because of their not so loud chuckles,letting go of the ball and slumping on the floor. Crossing his hands and looked at them with his cute angry little eyes.

        The managers which is a girl and a boy joyed the whole team in chuckling because of the cute reaction of Hinata,even the coach and assistant coaches. It makes Hinata more grumpier and mad,but in their perspective Hinata looks like a tangerine who's fuming with anger.

        They coax Hinata after that for a long time,and telling Hinata to play with them and the managers. It was unfair because they don't how how to play and the three of them are in one team.

       All they could do is run while carrying the ball,not even bothering to dribble. Trying their best to score but they can't because of the balls weight.

       Running and shooting is all they can do but forget about shooting they didn't even score once. Until Hinata got tired and decided to ask one of the players who's watching them to squat in front of him.

       When his friend was squatting in front of him,he climb up on his friends shoulder,sitting on it which made the whole team surprise and giggled. Asking his friend to stand up,holding his legs being careful not to drop him.

        Hinata throw the ball at the ring and successfully scoring. After that everytime he gets the ball,he always ask someone to carry him.

        They played for almost three hours and Hinata was being picked up by Shindo-san because it was time for his supplements. He waved goodbye to his friends, thanking them for making time for him and teaching him how to play basketball.

     On the other side one member of the  volleyball team from Aoba Johsai saw what happened at the gym where Hinata was.

       He wanted to approach and talk to him,but they're not close enough to do that so all he can do is watch him from afar. Getting jealous and agitated everytime Hinata was being carried on someone else's shoulder.

       His hands being balled up,some of the veins were popping out on how jealous he was. He wanted to pull Hinata away and gobble him up all by himself.

       Turning his back and walking away from the gym. His determination at making Hinata his was flowing and out of reach for everyone.

       You wouldn't think that he was that kind of person on the inside,on how he act on the outside. He was always calm and compose on the outside but his an impatient and obsessive person on the inside.

        He wants Hinata only for him,he don't want anyone to get close to him. He decided not to tell anyone that Hinata's here.

         He was the first person in Aoba Johsai to noticed that they forgot about Hinata and focus all their attention on Hiro. Not even a slightest that he liked Hiro,every part of the small guy was being hated by him.

       What he feel was pure disgust and anger towards the Karasuno first year. He was disgusted on how he act so innocently and on how he took everything away from his precious Hinata.

          No one's allowed to hurt Hinata,the only thing that are allowed is to make him happy and to make him smile all day.

       The guy reach the volleyball court, looking at his team who are head over heels the small guy from Karasuno. He turned away,trying his best to to watch the annoying interaction with his team.

         He remembered Hinata's smiling face from earlier and it made him smile a little,being cautious to be seen by someone. His anxious that once everyone remembered or see Hinata,they'll take him away.

        There was a long list of people who likes Hinata and he knows that. That's why he's gonna do everything he can to hide him from them.

     He'll do everything he can to stop them from remembering Hinata. Hinata's his and no one can change that.

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