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Third Person's POV

             As Hinata woke up the next day when Hinata got home from his trip way home,he immediately turned on his phone. His hoping that when once he opens it,his notifications will be popping everywhere and it would be noisy,to the point where it will annoy him.

        His excited to see the messages and calls from his friends when he opened it but he was beyond disappointed when not a single message or missed call popped up on his phone.

        He was confused on why no one contacted him for the whole night that he was waiting.

             Until a message popped up,the only message out of his twenty or more friends,and a missed call from the same person. It was from Kunimi,the guy who always talked to him ever since he was forgiven, the only person who has the guts to call and message him,when all of them were unblocked and free to contact him again.

            He was happy from reading a single person's who messaged him, asking how he is,what his doing,if he had already eaten his meal or if he didn't experienced any plane sickness,or car sickness.

          His concerned that made Hinata beyond happy,the seriousness of the person who sent it radiates through the screen,he can feel it everytime he look at it.

        He can feel presence of Kunimi near him, the love and worried expression of the guy shows up in his head.

           Replying to Kunimi with a smile is what Hinata did,answering every question from the guy and telling him his experiences from his first flight to his recent one from yesterday.

        His smiling from ear to ear,sometimes his even grinning and chuckling by himself,which made him look like a crazy person.

             'If I'm crazy then it's good being crazy for the right peron.'

         He thought,which made him smile even more,even showing his teeth and smirking at himself. He don't know why he was so excited by the thought of just talking to Kunimi bring him happiness.

          The day is December 29,20** and after the next days would be a new year for everyone,a new hope, happiness,pain,suffering, remarkable events and even funny one's.

       But he wants to be able to talk to everyone again,to laugh,play,do crazy stuffs before the hurtful year ends.

          He want's to hug every person who hurt him and tell them that they were forgiven a long time again and he was just denial to accept that he already forgave them without knowing.

       He just felt relieved and full of positive thoughts one day when he was on his way to school.

        But how will it happen if no one tried to contact him like how they did from the past,how can they do crazy stuffs again or play if they don't ask him?
         His two sides of brain are fighting with each other,trying to convince the other side to be the first one to talk to them but the other wants to wait for them to make the first move.

           But of course the other side who wants to wait stubbornly wins the fighting session of his brain. After replying to Kunimi's messages he stand up from his bed,fixing the sheets and his pillows together.

         He put his phone on his study table,leaving it on to the place where he can pick it up in a second,and setting it to the highest volume his phone can.

         Walking his way to his bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth after that, he put on some things on his face like a cream or whatever,it was bought by Enri for him.

       It wasn't his Christmas gift for him,it was a different gift. He gladly accept it that time because he thought it was cheap but it was too late to give it back after he looked up the brands of the products.

           As he was putting some cream on his perfectly paled face with cheeks that blushed naturally,his phone suddenly went noisy,his notifications were suddenly bursting with messages.

           Without finishing what he was doing,he run through his way out of the bathroom and grab his phone harshly. Checking every I.D from the different messages,he was in shock looking at the names.

       Some text messages were from his former friends like Kenma,Lev ,Oikawa, Terushima, Bokuto, Akaashi,and many more,those person sent him a bunch of messages.

          The timid ones only sent him a hi or how are you,but he was happy after reading all of their messages. He just wanna shout to his heart's content and tell everyone in their neighbors that his former friends sent him a message.

           The other messages was from his friends that he was with in France. It was none other than the friends that made him special and unreplaceable.

       He sighed and smile reading his friends messages to him,the good mornings and how are you from them was expected but still surprising.

           Hinata always do experience this good mornings from this rich and kind people but he wasn't tired of it,instead he wants to read the goodmorning from them everyday or hear them.

         Hinata isn't the person to forget someone just because the person he wants to talk to message him.

         For him his friends are more precious and unreplaceable than any friend he had. After replying to his friends,saying good morning and all,he checked the messages from his former friends once again.

       Not believing that the messages were real and legit sent by them,even in his social medias,they even tagged him in their apologetic post. Or giving him a heart in his every post.

          He can't believe himself that the thing Asami said was finally happening. The emotion and the longing that he felt for his former friends that bottled up inside him,vanished in more than a second.

        "Is this true? Should I reply back?"

       He wasn't sure of what he would do,he wasn't in the right state of mind to do anything at that time. So what he did was put his phone back away from where it was earlier.

            Going back to what he was doing earlier,applying cream on his face but with a bright red shade in his cheeks and a pinkish ear,with a wide smile on his lips.

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