👑Chapter 4👑 Beads

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Dedicated to ★ sillyfun4lyfe


My mom called my name, confused with my silence.

I felt Masoud squeeze my hand. I looked down and realized I was still holding his hand.

I shook my head and looked away from his blue eyes. A small smirk played his lips when I looked away. Anger was getting the best of me.

“Sorry mom, I was at the basketball gym just down the street. I lost track of time and-”  Masoud cut me off.

“I made Madina take me out for ice cream, it's my fault sorry momma” Masoud said taking the blame.

My mom looked at me with a raised eyebrow then at Masoud. She shook her head and spoke. “It's okay, these our neighbors Madina” my mom said smiling at them.

I walked over to the table and shook both the man's hand and the women's with a big smile.

“Its nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Scott, it's a pleasure to have you guys here today. I'm sorry for showing up late” I said remembering their last name when boba (dad) told me yesterday.

“Oh sweetie you're too nice, the apology is all mine, we did show up early. Isn't that right darling” The man known as Mr Scott said smiling at his wife.

“He is right, and please call me Lauren I feel old with last names” she said making a weird face. I laughed and everyone looked at me with bright eyes.

The boy from across the table was staring at me the whole time. And this whole time I've been wanting to pry out those pretty little eyes of his.

“I agree honey, please call me Michael” Mr Scott said smiling at me.

“Noted” I smiled.

I walked over to my dad and kissed him on cheek. “Assalamualaikum boba (dad)”

“Walekum asalam” he beamed and kissed my forehead.

I went to my mom and kissed her cheek as well. “Salam mommy” I whispered in her ear.

“Walekum asalam, we will talk later” she said with a tone. I gulped and nodded. Ya Allah (oh god) please help me, I pleaded.

“I just need to get cleaned up, I'll be back. Excuse me” I said leaving the kitchen. I grabbed my gym bag and ran up the stairs.

“How the hell did you forget about the dinner?!” I whisper yelled to myself.

I put my skinny jeans on and a baggy sweatshirt. I decided to go for a dark blue Hijab wrapped around my head swiftly. Before I did all that I washed my face and did wudu (cleansing routine, before you pray) then I prayed Maghrib.

I ran down stairs right after I finished and walked straight into the kitchen. My mom was taking the food out so I decided to help. After we finished I sat down between Masoud which was on my left and my dad which was on my right.

Halfway through eating I heard Michael speak. “This food is amazing, how did you make it?” He asked looking at my mother.

“Well yes I did cook it, but it's Madina’s new recipe she thought of” My mom said looking at me smiling.

“Oh really?” He asked. Everyone's eyes went towards me.

I nodded “yes sir”

“Well then you're gonna have to give me the recipe for this chicken” he beamed taking another bite.

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