👑Chapter 8👑 Bullies

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Dedicated to: samihasiraaj


The drive towards Riverdale wasn't that long, but it felt like hours for me. The car was dead silent and I was just hoping we weren't too late picking the boys.

“Stop worrying, we aren't that late Beads” Bryson said pulling up into the school's parking lot.

“I just don't want him to be mad at me, I'm always on time for him” I sighed.

“Okay we're here” he reassured.

I got out of the car and we both ran to the back of the school, where the kids line up for their parents.

I finally got their and I saw Masoud sitting on the edge kicking a rock. Then I saw Alexander, Bryson’s brother kicking a soccer ball. They were both alone waiting for us.

“Masoud!” I yelled and ran to him. He didn't look up at me instead he kept his head down and mumbled ‘hi’

“I'm so sorry I'm late buddy” I said hugging him. His little arms circled around my legs.

“It's okay Dina” he mumbled.

“What's wrong?” I asked. He wouldn't even look up at me so I got very suspicious.

“Masoud look up at me” I said kneeling down and grabbing his face. He wouldn't let me look at his face so I turned it around myself.

My eyes went wide when I saw a big bruise circling Masoud’s eyes. “Who did this to you?” I asked as a tear slipped from Masoud’s bruised eye.

He hugged me tightly and wrapped his arms around my neck. “Kids at school” he whispered crying into my shoulder.

“What's going on?” Bryson asked walking up to me with Alexander on his tail.  

“Oh shit” Bryson said kneeling down looking at Masoud’s eyes.

“Hey kiddo, you okay?” Bryson asked wiping Masoud's tears away. He shook his head and hid from everyone on my shoulder.

Anger was getting the best of me. “I need to talk to the principal” I said gritting my teeth.

“No!” Masoud said stopping me.

“Why not? This is wrong Masoud!” I said with anger.

“Because Alex will get in trouble if you do” Masoud said looking at Alexander.

Alexander put his head down and didn't say anything.

“What's going on? I want the full story” Bryson asked getting frustrated.

“A bunch of kids were bugging me because they said my name sounded Muslim. They made fun of me and how short I am. They wouldn't leave me alone, I told them to stop multiple times. They wouldn't listen so the boy Richard, in my class punched me in the eye and called me a terrorist baby” Masoud said tears falling.

“Then he was gonna hit me again, but then Alex came and told them to leave me alone. The bullies wouldn't listen. So they got close to Alex and Alex beat the kid up on the playground. It was actually amazing” Masoud said with a small smile wiping his tears.

Alexander finally looked up with a sheepish smile. “Proud of you Alexander, good job little man” Bryson said putting his arm around Alexander's shoulders.

“Oh Masoud, I'm so sorry you had to go through that” I said hugging him.

“It's okay Dina, If it makes you feel better I even tried the moves you taught me. But I failed miserably” he laughed. I laughed with him and kissed his forehead.

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