👑Chapter 75👑 Don't Give Up

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"One thing my momma taught me. If you don't have nothing nice to say... Shut the f up and walk away sis" (to all you annoying people that like to comment stupid sh*t on my book^)

Love the REST of you❤

♡Chapter edited by the lovely duchessoftheclouds


👑Bryson's POV👑

I grabbed the handle bars and pulled myself up. Every time my chin reached above the bar, images of her beautiful face would cloud my eyes.

That just gave me more motivation to get better. I had to show her that my words weren’t coming from my heart. I wanted her to know that the only reason I wanted her to forget about me was because… I'm bad for her.

But I don’t give a fuck anymore how bad I am for her. Clearly, she laughed and smiled whenever I was around. She would have this beautiful sparkle in her eyes that captured the moment for me.

I was gonna show her father that he was wrong about me. Or maybe he was right about me. Either way, it's too goddamn late for me to distance myself from his daughter.

My heart splits into two everytime I think of a life without Madina. I didn't think I'd ever be so attached to a female, until I realized the difference she made in my life.

“You're doing great, Bryson.” My personal trainer tapped my shoulder.

I smiled and sat down on my wheelchair. “Thanks Tony.”

He grabbed his stethoscope and checked my heart beat, and then nodded to me and jotted something down in his notepad.

He strapped the monitor’s velcro around my legs and watched for the levels.

His smile brightened as his eyes made it toward mine.

“What is it?” I asked.

“There's sensation in your legs,” he said, grabbing my shoulders.

“Are you serious?” I asked, swallowing the lump in my throat.

“Yes Bryson! The levels are unbelievable. All we have to do is exercise them a bit more, and you should feel your muscles moving,” he said excitedly.

Tony was a big guy. Seeing him this excited reminded me of a giant on a sugar rush. Except, his sugar was seeing people walk again after a horrible accident.

“That's great,” I shrugged.

“Come on, man! You should be happy,” he told me as he wheeled me towards the balancing area.

“I'm happy, I'm just having a bad a morning,” I lied.

“Alright, listen, man. I've known you for a month now, and everyday that you came in here, you wouldn't want my help. You told me that the doctors said you would never get better. That you'd never feel your legs again. You want to prove them wrong, don't you?”

“Of course I want to prove them wrong, man, just drop it, okay?”  I said angrily, trying to get away from him.

He stood in front of my wheelchair and stopped me.

“I don't know about you, Bryson, but if I was in your situation, I'd do anything I can to get better. Not only for myself, but for the girl I love.” Tony said.

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