👑Chapter 33👑 Over Night

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My mind felt so relaxed. My body was asleep but I felt my brain slowly awakening. You ever get that feeling?

Like your about to get up, but you feel like you've only slept for an hour. But in all seriousness you've been sleeping all night.

I felt a soft breeze hitting my face. I usually hated it when someone was breathing on my face, but this time it didn't feel weird at all  





I opened my eyes and felt the feeling of my numb butt. My head was rested on the same pillow as Brysons.

I was in his room. His eyes were closed and his arm was around my own arm. I looked down and thanked god I wasn't in the bed.

My body was just leaning on the bed. I went to move my arm, but his muscular arm was heavier and hovered on top of mine.

I pulled my arm out quickly as my heartbeat increased.

Slowly Bryson's eyes opened. His blue eyes looked a lot lighter. He licked his lips, and shut his eyes again.

“Nice waking up next to you beads” he said shutting his eyes and opening them again.

His eyes stared at me again “Now, I know I'm a very sexy person, but haven't you heard that staring is rude?” he asked his lips curving into a smirk.

I slapped his head “Good morning, idiot”

“I feel so loved. Nothing says I love you more than getting smacked in the head” he huffed smoothing out his head.

“Who says I love you?” I laughed getting up and stretching.

I looked down at Bryson and he was dead silent.


“I feel so numb” I said fake crying.

“Did you sleep on the ground the whole night?” he asked.

“No, I had a comfy bed that magically appeared underneath me. No shit, of course I did” I said.

“Your grumpy in the mornings” he laughed laying on his stomach. His face was propped on his pillow while his toned arms were underneath the pillow.

Look away…

“Shut up” I mumbled pulling my phone out.

My eyes widened.

12 missed calls.

And they were all from my mom.

Ya Allah (oh god) I'm so dead.

“Whats wrong?” Bryson asked.

“Just shut up for a second” I said biting my lips.

What am I gonna say to my mom?

Oh yeah, hey mom I might of slept over at a guy's house. He was super drunk. Don't worry we didn't sleep in the same bed, but we did share a pillow.

Should I say that?


I'd get my ass beat.

I scrolled through my phone and dialed Aadilas number.

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