👑Chapter 30👑 Liars

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"Wanna talk about it?" She asked still hugging me.

I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Sure, but I'm not good with talking about my feelings" I admitted sniffling.

"It's okay. Let's start with what's triggering your tears?" She asked.

"Its him" I cried some more.

I'd didn't sobe like some people did when they cried.

I just cried silent tears.

"Who's him?"

“B- no one” I corrected myself.

“What do you mean, no one? You were gonna say Bryson weren't you?” Aadila asked.

“No I wasn't” I said wiping my tears away.

“Don't lie to me, what else starts with a B that's a him?” She asked.

“A lot of things” I shrugged.

Aadilas hand hovered on top of mine. She sat down beside me on the bed.

“I'm your best friend right?” She asked.

“Yeah” I mumbled.

“And  you trust me right?” She asked again.

“Of course” I whispered.

“Well then, FOR THE LOVE OF ALLAH (GOD) TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG!” she yelled the last part.

I giggled slightly.

“I don't know how to explain it to you. It's- like- I don't even understand what's going on in my brain” I said looking down.

“Listen habibi, Is it all in your brain, or in your heart?” She asked.

My heart? Or my brain?

“My heart” I said quietly hoping she wouldn't hear me.

“Its Bryson isn't it?” She asked.

I nodded not being able to speak actual words.

“You have feelings for him. But, more than just friends” she said.

“But it's wrong! I shouldn't have feelings for him more than just friends. Allah (god) is probably so angry with me” I said getting up as more silent tears fell.

“Listen girl, you didn't fail anything. You're trying your best as a Muslim. And plus, it's not bad to have feelings for someone. It's not like you can control that” she reassured getting up.  

“No! It's wrong.  I should be able to control them” I wiped my tears viciously away.

“Wrong, we're all human. We can't turn our emotions on and off. You're just human Madina, stop being so hard on yourself” she said kissing my hand.

“But look who I have feelings for? A guy who throws parties. Gets drunk, probably smokes weed. Why him? Why couldn't it be any other person?” I said clutching my head.

“Obviously those things don't define Bryson. Everyone says he's a better version of himself when he met you Dina. He has a lot of good things about him as well”

“No” I mumbled slipping down the wall and crouched down.

“I know you Madina. You wouldn't just fall for someone who's like that. You and I both know, there's so many good things about Bryson you love” she said running her fingers through my wet hair.

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