👑Chapter 59👑 Found Hope

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🌟Chapter dedication goes to! Sarah_Ahmed24🌟

👑Thank you to every one who voted! All the love means so much to me! Also, we reached #2 in hijabi! Whoever hated in the beginning I'm laughing right now🤣 love u guys!😚👑


I ran down the hallways of Centennial High trying to find coach. I opened the gym doors as I saw the boys shooting basketballs. Today the guys had the gym for practice, as the girls were in the weight room.

I saw Chase make eye contact with me then, he ran towards me.

I'm gonna be honest… I've been ignoring the guys ever since Bryson got shot.

I don't blame them…

I just wish they never, they never… ugh! I don't know.

“Hey Madi” he smiled weakly as I kept walking.

“Hey” I said not looking him in the eyes.

“How you been?” he asked dribbling the ball as I kept walking around trying to find coach.

“I'm good, you?” I asked.

“Woah slow down” Chase said as he cut me off by standing in front of me.

“I'm good” he finished.

“Do you know where coach is?” I asked.

“He's coming out in a minute” he said.

“Alright” I said picking at my nails.

I saw Dre and Stephen walk over as Evan followed behind them.

They all just stared at me as I looked down at my nails awkwardly.  

“What do you guys want? Haven't you learned it's rude to stare?” I asked completely annoyed by the silence.  

“We're sorry Madina” Dre said immediately.

I shook my head “For what?” I asked.

“Do we need to say it?” Stephen asked.

“I don't know why y'all are apologizing. If it's anyone's fault it's mine” I said.

“You're wrong” Evan said “No one could stop Bryson even if we wanted to” he finished.

I looked down staring at my hands. They were once covered in Brysons thick red blood.

“Don't blame yourself Madi. He wouldn't want you to”  Chase said.

I sighed and rested my hands on my forehead.

“I miss him” I said on a low tone.

“We all do. He'll be back soon Madi, don't stress yourself out cause when Brysons back he won't wanna see those bags under your eyes” Chase said smiling down at me.

I looked up and smiled at him “I have a plan” I said.

“Of course you do” Stephen grinned.

“That's what Bryson said before he got shot” Dre said shaking his head.

“No, it's nothing like that. Well... “ I said.

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