👑Chapter 15👑 Stressed Out

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Dedication goes to: 🌟GracefulGirls🌟


“Dina, hurry we're gonna be late!” Masoud yelled putting his shoes on.

“Dina, hurry we're gonna be late!” Masoud yelled putting his shoes on

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“I'm coming, jeez boy!” I yelled running down the stairs.

“Bye momma, bobba (dad)” I said kissing them on the cheek.

“Bye-” but I already slammed the door and ran off into my car with Masoud.

“Go!” Masoud yelled. “I have a presentation today!” he yelled tapping his foot on my car seats.

“Say inshallah! (If god wills it)” I yelled.

Masoud shrunk in his seat, and sat quietly for the rest of the ride. I kinda felt bad, but I was just in a rush today.

We got out of the car and Masoud stopped me. “That's okay, you can leave my bell rang  anyways” Masoud said stopping me from walking him to the gates.

“Okay by-”

“Bye” he said running into the school without giving me a goodbye hug.

God, what did I do now?

I walked back to my car and huffed. These days I've been so busy, I've been forgetting about my family.

All I do is go to school, go to basketball. Then I go work at Betty's. Then finally I get home at maghrib (when the sun goes down) time. I do my homework, eat then sleep.

That's all my life consists of these days. I'm basically not even living as a teenager, I feel old. Kinda like an old soul trapped in a young body.

Do you ever feel like that?

Never mind.

I parked into the parking lot of the school and ran inside. The halls were empty which meant everyone was already in class.

I grabbed a late slip from the office and ran to English. I opened the door and saw Mr Hope giving a lesson on the board.

I quietly closed the door but it was too late Mr Hope saw me already.

“Madina!” he said so cheerfully.

“Hi sir” I mumbled.

“You're late” he said scratching his small beard.

No shit.

“Sorry sir” I said putting the late slip on his desk.

“Don't let it happen again Ms Omar, or at least not in my class” I nodded.

Of Course, he gave this stupid speech everyday, to everyone.

I sat down at my desk and found Bryson looking at me. Sadly yes, my seat was right in front of his.

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