👑Chapter 18👑 Don't Judge

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👑Bryson's POV👑

I sat on my bed and was hoping sleep would come soon. It felt like I've been in bed for  hours, but yet I couldn't sleep.

Too many things were on my mind these days. I got up and ran a hand through my hair frustrated.

I shrugged a t-shirt on and let my shorts hang loose on my hips. I sat on my computer desk going through the photos I took over the years.

Every time someone would see me all they'd talk about was basketball. That's all people saw when they take a look at me.

But no, I am so much more. I enjoy art, I enjoy watching colors blend into one another as if they belong like that.

Photography was also my passion. It all started with having a Canon camera for my 10th birthday. It increased to something way more.

Eventually I took landscapes, and every time I took a photo id turn it into story with art. It's what relaxed me, that's who I really am.

A guy who enjoys art and photography, but people are too blind to care what I want out of myself.

I slammed My computer screen feeling frustrated with the whole world.

I couldn't sleep tonight, and maybe because there was a certain person lingering in my brain.

Someone who kept her head high, Who saw the world has people who try to bring you down. There's no doubt she's a strong person, but something about her had me wanting more.

Is that so wrong?

Yes, for Bryson Scott it is. I'm not the type to get hung up on a girl. I usually leave them before it gets serious.

But she's…


I took my paint brush and dabbed it into water before dipping it in black paint.


I had nothing, no inspiration

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I had nothing, no inspiration. I needed something to draw. My mind was wandering around but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

“Fuck” I mumbled moving away from the empty canvas.

I grabbed my camera and decided to go out for some kind of inspiration.

The cold breeze hit my face, and I felt at ease instantly.

The blue sky was slowly disappearing into lighter colors and I took a quick snap from my camera.

I walked onto beach the warm sand feeling good in between my toes. I looked around feeling like myself since no one was around.

I walked a little more off into the east side of the beach. My eyes widened when I saw a petite figure sitting down and reading a book.

I walked closer, but this time I hide behind the rocks. I felt closer, and now I could hear her voice.

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