👑Chapter 34👑 Carnival

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Dedicated to an amazing reader!             🌟seahoonwho🌟

Important authors note, please everyone read!❤


Yesterday was Sunday. It was one of those days that you should finish some homework you've left unfinished for the week.

Or maybe, it's a day where you had to clean up some things in the house. Or even relaxing, because you've stressed yourself too much over the week.

For me?

Oh, I had all three I should of completed.

I needed to finish some assignments. I also had to clean the house with the help of my mom.

Then, I finally would have time to relax and watch Netflix! You guessed right.

But I couldn't!

You ask why?

Because my stupid brain was set on a certain person who had these ocean blue eyes.

Bryson Scott.

“I can't take this anymore” I said resting my hands on my steering wheel.

“Girl, you need to breath” Aadila said patting my back.

“You need my puffer?” Masoud asked digging in his backpack for his inhaler.

“No buddy, I'm okay. Thank you jaanem (my love)” I said looking into my rear view mirror of my car.

“Okay” he smiled sweetly going back to his game on his iPad.

“Can we not talk about this when he's in the car” I whispered to Aadila motioning to my little brother in the back seat.

“You're right, sorry” Aadila said looking away awkwardly.

I pulled into Masoud's elementary school. And parked in the front, like I always did.  

“Okay, let's go Masoud” I said unbuckling myself.

“No, it's okay. I can go by myself” he said getting out of the car.

I opened my door.

“Masoud, you don't want me to walk you to the doors anymore?” I asked kneeling in front of him.

The wind blew my hijab everywhere. I secured my red cap on top of it.

“No it's okay. I'm a big boy now” Masoud said fisting his little hands into balls.

“Okay, there big boy” I said unclenching his fists. “Don't get into unnecessary fights” I winked.

He giggled and straightened his posture. “Okay Dina” he smiled.

Masoud looked into the car and wavd at Aadila. Aadila gave him a bunch of blow kisses, which had Masoud blushing.

“Bye” I made a pouty face.

Masoud giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me.

“Bye Dina, I love you” he whispered.

My heart warmed up.

“I love you too. Be safe” I whispered.

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