👑Chapter 55👑 Money bag

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Dedication goes to! 🌟laaibahhhhh🌟


“Ahh if it isn't Bryson Scott himself” he grinned.

“What's up ice?” I said shaking his hand.

“What do I owe for your presence?” he asked taking his cigarette out of his mouth.

“No small talk ice. I need my gun by tonight” I said confidently resting my hands on his desk.

“You need your gun?” Ice asked amused.

“Do I have to repeat myself?” I asked.

Dre nudged asking me telling me to calm down.

Ice chuckled, and took a sip from his vodka setting it down lightly.  

“Last time I remember you told me that offer was not on the table anymore” Ice said squinting his eyes at me.

“I gave you my gun when I was in trial for court. I told you whenever I needed it I'll be back for it. Now I'm back for it. Give me my gun” I said feeling wrestles.

“Listen kid. You gave me that gun for a reason. I don't want you getting into trouble” Ice said blowing the smoke from his cigarette.

“You don't need to worry about me. I made my decision” I said sternly.

“What do you need it for?” he asked.

“Protection” I said sternly.

“Whose after you son?” he asked.

“That's not your concern Ice” I huffed.  

“It's Nathan isn't it?” he asked.

I didn't answer.

We stared at each other. Him taking puffs from his cigarette. Me feeling my urges within myself.

I told her I was gonna stop.

I'm not breaking my promise.

“Ben, go grab the gun from the safe” Ice commanded still staring me down.

“Alright boss” the man said leaving the room.

“Your putting your life at risk for that girl” Ice said shaking his head.

“I put her life at risk, it's not the other way around” I said running my hand through my hair.

“It's gonna ruin you” he said.

“What's gonna ruin me?” I asked.

“Love, it's gonna ruin your life. It brings a person up like the highest mountains. But it also drags you down to the ground. At the end you feel like you'd rather die than be in love” he said.

“Just because you've bad 5 divorces in your life Ice, doesn't mean I'm gonna end up like that” I said leaning back in the seat.

I heard Evan snicker beside me. Ice gave him a dirty glare, and turned his attention back to me.

“Just watch your back son” Ice said.

The man walked back in with my gun. There was a black cloth wrapped around it as it remained in Ice’s hand now.

“Here” Ice said forwarding it towards me.

I went to grab it when he pulled it back.

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