👑Chapter 17👑 Peaceful

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I sat down at our dinner table, stuffing my face with food.


A girl's gotta eat.

Masoud was playing with the strings of his pasta. While my dad and Majeed were having a contest of ‘Who can eat there food the fastest’

As much as I wanted to puke at there vulgar eating, I couldn't. Majeed and my dad always did when I was younger, so I just always laughed watched.

“Okay, enough. Seriously can I just eat my food in peace?” my mom asked in annoyance.
I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at how Majeed stopped almost instantly. That's what I admired about my mom.

She could be the sweetest person in the world,and love you too much. But if you did her wrong or her family, she'll attack you like a cheetah.

“Sorry mum” Majeed said eating the rest of his pasta.

“Maryam, why do you like scaring are poor boy?” my dad asked chucking and ruffling Majeed's hair.

“Kareem, not now” my mom said stabbing her meat very viciously.

My dad narrowed his eyes at her, and realized this wasn't the best time.

“Kids the funniest thing happened today” My dad said laughing while drinking his water which spilled a little.

Masoud laughed and covered his mouth when dad glared at him.

“So this morning, I told your mom to wash one of my shirts I had to wear for a meeting I had today right?” my dad said.

Everyone nodded and my mom groaned.

“Do you have to tell them this story?” my mom groaned.

“Yes hun, now let me continue” my dad said.

“So Maryam, sorry your mom, went to wash it right?” my dad said with a cheeky smile.

“Then, I go check on her because she took 15 minutes. I go into the laundry room and your mom-” my dad said laughing he couldn't continue anymore.

My mom hide her face slightly laughing.

“Her head is resting on top of the laundry machine, her whole body is filled with detergent soap all over her. And get this, the whole time she was sleeping and chewing on a granola bar” my dad said bursting out laughing.

Everyone looked at my mom and start laughing.

“I was late for work because of you” my mom glared at my dad but had a faint smile on her lips.

“Hey, it's not my fault you didn't sleep well last night” my dad chuckling slightly.

“Excuse me! You're the one who was keeping me up. You couldn't sleep, So you kept goofing around” my mom said ready to pounce.

My dad held his hands up. “Okay you may be right, but come on it was fun spending time with me wasn't it?” my dad said cockily.

“Kareem shut up” my mom said trying to hold in her smile.

“Momma no swearing!” Masoud said in my mom's voice whenever she heard us swearing.

“Sorry baby, your dad is very obnoxious” mom said kissing Masoud's cheek.

My dad gasped at my mom's words. I swear sometimes I feel like my parents are teenagers again. 

“So on further note, how's school going?” my mom asked. 

“Great!” Masoud beamed.

“I'm glad, Janem (my love)”

“Majeed?” my mom asked.

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