👑Chapter 80👑 Mine is Yours

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♡Chapter edited by the talented and beautiful duchessoftheclouds


I tightened my apron around my waist and grabbed my notebook, ready to take orders as they came.

“Why are you so late?!” Dylan asked desperately.

“I'm 5 minutes late, chillax,” I said, walking into the back.

“It’s rush hour, baby girl, and you left me defending myself against the monsters!” Dylan said, pointing to the table at the second row.

The table was filled with little kids eating ice cream and smearing some ice cream cake on the birthday boy’s face.

I snorted and looked over at Dylan. “They’re just kids, what harm could they do?” I asked.

Right after I said that, I heard glass shattering on the floor.

“Oops,” a little girl mumbled, her sundae on the ground, mixed with broken pieces of glass.

“That's what I'm talking about. Monsters, I'm telling you. They look all sweet on the outside, but on the inside, it’s gore, I'm telling ya,” Dylan said.

I sighed. “Does that mean I'm cleaning the mess up?”

“You don't mind, do you?”  Dylan asked.


“Good, thanks baby girl, you're the best,” he said, shoving the dustpan and broom in ny hands.

I grumbled and grabbed a wet cloth. I walked over and was kneeling down to clean up the mess when I saw two little blue orbs peering at me.

I looked up from the ground as the little girl’s gold locks bounced when she came down from the booth.

“I'm sorry!” She said, as her eyelashes batted.

“It’s okay, sweetheart.” I smiled, looked back down.

“Can I help?” She asked.

“The glass is very sharp. We wouldn’t like you to get hurt, now would we?”

She smiled and shook her head.

“I have an idea. You really wanna help?” I asked.

She nodded, her pigtails shaking vigorously.

“Sit right there and keep watch,” I told her.

She nodded and sat back on her seat.

“What am I keeping watch for?” She asked in a whisper, looking around.

I couldn't help but giggle slightly. “Just in case another accident happens.”

“Right,” she said, puffing her chest out.

After I cleaned the mess, I got the little girl another sundae ice cream.

Why am I already so exhausted?

That feeling of being so mentally exhausted, not even physically. Two totally different things, I swear.

I heard the bells from the entrance ring, signaling someone was walking in. I went to the back and grabbed my notepad, along with my pen. I could feel the hairs under my hijab having a war, so I stuck a finger inside, trying to tame my ecstatic hair.

“Hi, how may I help you?” I asked as my eyes fluttered to him…

My mouth went dry watching his dancing eyes that also held a shadow of danger hidden in them.

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