👑Chapter 47👑 My Gift

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(My @ wasnt working:( no dedication for this chapter)


"I wish I could stay here with you" Hannah said.

I sighed "Could you imagine all of us going to the same high school? That would be lit" Shabana said daydreaming.

"It would, I'm gonna miss my best friend" Yaz said resting her head on my shoulder.

"Without you guys, i'd be the same boring Jummah that's afraid of insects" Jummah said.

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Guys instead of whining for the whole day about how much we're gonna miss each other. Let's have fun for our last day together" I said.

"Yeah, you're right" Yaz said.

We were all in my room with all the junk food you could think of. From Skittles to popcorn, we had it all. We had a stupid romantic movie that no one was paying attention to anymore.

Don't get me wrong. I love romantic movies. I'm a cliche type of girl... just don't tell anyone I said so.

"So what do you suggest we do tonight?" Shabana asked.

"Road trip again?!" Hannah yelled clapping her hands.

I shook my head with laughter. "Guys I've only lived here for 5 months. I honestly don't know that many places" I said honestly.

"Maybe you can call Bryson and ask him for a place. We could all hang out with each other like we did yesterday!" Shabana insisted.

"No! We're not hanging with the guys. That Chase guy gives me weird vibes" Yaz shivered.

"I'm pretty sure those vibes, are vibes of love" Jummah said dramatically.

Yaz threw my pillow at her.

"No they aren't. He just needs to open his eyes, and look around" she said blushing.

"Okay... so no to that idea" Hannah said.

"Guys I couldn't even call Bryson even if I wanted to" I said.

"Why not?" Jummah asked.

"Come on did you guys forget?" I asked.

They all looked at me without speaking one word.

I groaned "It's Christmas today, he's gonna be with his family" I said.

"Oh Christmas, must be nice" Shabana said chewing on a tootsie roll.

"Personally, I enjoy Eid more" Jummah said.

"Same. I mean who cares about presents? We get that money!" Hannah said jumping on my bed.

We all laughed.

"Oh and those amazing sweet desserts that never seem to finish. Oh can't forget about those spicy dinner courses you get from each house you visit" Yaz said.

"I miss those times" I said remembering memories from my childhood.

"Maybe we should spend the day with the family" I said.

"That's a good idea, I mean we won't see each other for a while" Hannah said.

"Alright this is the plan..." I started.

I told them that it would be appropriate if we all made dinner tonight. We could all watch a Bollywood movie with the family. Even make a little play room for the kids. And add some songs so we could all enjoy some of the uncle's horrible dance moves.

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