👑Chapter 76👑 Understood Me

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I sat on the breakfast bar stirring my cereal as my stomach growled. The fruit loops spun in circles. The pink and green ones stayed together, and no matter how much I stirred the milk they were still attached.

“Eat your food Dina” momma said drying her hands on her apron.

“I'm not hungry momma” I said stirring my bowl of cereal.

Masoud looked at me and bit into his pancakes.

“Come on Dina let's not act like the whole house didn't hear your stomach growl” momma said looking into the oven.

My hand instantly went to stomach as Masoud laughed.

“You heard it too?” I asked momma.

She turned around as her ponytail swayed. She smiled “The birds even heard it”

I smiled slightly and saw a blue Jay resting against the kitchen window. As soon as I tilted my head to the side it stared at me. The blue Jay fluttered its wings and was gone just like that…

“Are you listening to me Dina?” Momma asked as she rested her hand on her hip.

I shook myself out of my gaze and looked at my cereal “Sorry what?” I asked.

Momma sighed and put down her cooking utensils.

“What are you gonna do today?” she asked me.

I scrunch my eyebrows and look up at my mom “What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well do you have plans for your sunday Dina?… sometimes I feel like you forget you're a teenager” she laughed.

I rolled my eyes and hid my smile “Im an old soul in a young body momma”

“Oh Dina” momma sighed looking at me “I use to say the same exact thing till I got old, now I wish I never would have said that” she laughed.

“You're not old momma” Masoud said.

“See that's why you're my favorite” momma said kissing his cheek.

“Let's not forget I'm present here people” I said waving my spoon in the air.

Momma giggled “I don't have a favorite, I'm only kidding”

“Mhmm” I said chewing my cereal.

“Dina go call your friends and have fun, you know something you should be doing. Look at you always sad, I refuse to see you this way” momma said eyeing me but I just looked away.

“I'm having fun” I snorted.

“Oh really? How so please advise me” my momma asked.

I groaned “You know spending time with my awesome family!” I said bringing my bowl to the sink.

She sighed “Dina as much as we love to have you in the house you just never seem to do anything for yourself anymore” momma said with a sad look.

“Pfft I'm fine momma, you're honestly overthinking” I said.

“She's right Dina go have fun!” Masoud said jumping off his seat.

“Careful” I warned him as I steadied him.

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