👑Chapter 10👑 #Save Betty's Best Ice Cream

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Dedicated to: ★ TheSecretWriterr94


I got up off of the dirty ground with a huff. I still couldn't believe that girl tripped me on purpose.

I ran back into the line and glared at the girl who had a mischievous smirk on her face. God I hate her!

“Okay girls, that's enough of lay ups. I want to see how your shooting is going. Separate into two teams, and go to the opposite net with your teams. Shoot from the three pointer line, whichever team gets to 20 shots are the winners. And the team that loses has to run extra laps” Coach said

“Got it?” Coach yelled.

“Got it!” We yelled back.

I didn't know what team to be on, but most certainly I wasn't going on that stupid girls team. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the opposite team.

“Thanks” I mumbled to the girl who pulled me in. She looked down at me with her super tall height and smiled.

Her blonde hair was in a ponytail and her brown eyes couldn't shine any brighter. “No problem, the names Avery by the way” she said.

“Madina” I replied back.

“Such a pretty name” she gushed.

Ya know for a tall giant girl, she looked super cute and friendly. I laughed it off and lined up with my team.

I think in was sixth in line or something. Avery stood behind me. “And… Go!” Coach yelled blowing his whistle.

The girl that was first shot, but it didn't go in. This went on for five minutes and so far I've went about three times. Every time I've shot its went in alhamdulila (god has willed it). So far my teams at 17 points.

“Let Madina take the last shot. She's got them all in so far” Avery said.

“Oh I don't think s-”

“Come on, do it for the team!” She cheered. The girl that was in line handed me the ball.

I grabbed it and prayed to Allah (god) that this ball would go in swiftly. The other team was tied to us.

I shot the ball and it hit the backboard. Then it bounced on the rim slowly and turned into a circle. Finally the ball dropped in and our score turned into a 20.

There's a reason why its called a ‘three pointer shot’ because it gives you three points.

My team cheered and Avery picked me up and put me on her shoulders. I felt so tall, huh the air is different up here, not gonna lie.

I start laughing when my team was cheering and doing flips. Coach blew his whistle and the game ended like that.

I looked into the distance and that light skin girl, that still didn't know her name of was angry as she threw her basketball to the wall.

“Good job Madina!” Avery cheered.

“Thanks, can you put me down now?” I asked hoping I wouldn't fall face first.

She giggled “yeah sure” I felt like missing the ground when my two feet met it.

“Thank god” I sighed.

“Good job girls, now losing team I wanna see them legs running. Let's go!!” Coach yelled.

They groaned but rain back and forth, for god knows how many times.

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