👑Chapter 74👑 Leave Me Alone

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Chapter edited by lovely duchessoftheclouds♡ Go follow her if you haven't already!


I wanted to go back to the time where things were easier.

The time where I-

“Madina, wait! Don't leave,” he yelled from behind me.

I shut the gym door and ran towards the parking lot.

I looked around searching for my car, only to remember that it was taken away from me.

I turned around and saw those blue eyes that made my heartbeat increase and swell up.

I sucked in a deep breath and turned around.

“Where are you going?!” Bryson yelled from behind me.

“Anywhere, I need to get away from you!” I yelled back, taking huge steps.

“No matter how far you run away from me, Madina Omar, I'll always find a way to bring you back to me. God dammit, look what I've become because of you!” He yelled.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned around and walked over to him so quickly that I started to become light headed.

“Enlighten me, you idiot. What have you become?” I asked.

He took a deep breath and tired to grab my hand but I moved it away. “I've become the better version of myself because of you, Be- Madina. The person I am today puts the old Bryson to shame. I'm not even mad that this happened. I was just so lucky to have someone like you to show me that there was more to life than just being angry all the time,” he finished, staring into my eyes.

My wet tears dried up, wishing I didn't look so vulnerable right now. In my head, I thought he was gonna regret ever meeting me. I thought he would've spilled some seeds that would damage my heart even more.

Instead, he gave me every reason to go against my father's words and fall into his arms. But I just couldn't.

We made a deal in that courtroom. We agreed to forget about each other.

“You don't deserve to spill your heart out to me. Not anymore.” I said in a whisper.

“What? I'm jus-”

“Have you seem to forgotten what you told me that day in court-”

“Madina, I-”

“Let me finish,” I said, calmly closing my eyes.

“You told me that my father was right about you. You told me that you didn't deserve me. Oh, and the part I won't ever forget, is when you told me that you wanted to forget about me. So then forget about me, Bryson Scott. Take me out of of your brain. Turn your feelings off. Because I know I will be doing that,” I said, keeping my head high.

He looked at me like he didn't recognize the girl in front of him. He saw me as someone who just shot a million words at his heart.

“I didn't mean those words. You know that, right? You know me, Madina, I would never mean that,” he begged.

I shook my head. “This time, Bryson, I can't forgive you so easily. You've made me have all these feelings for you, but then you just break me down in the end. I can't keep going through this bullshit.”

“Please don't do this. You can't do this,” he said, rolling his wheelchair closer to me.

I took several steps back. “I will, and I have.” I said as his eyes turned into different shade of blue.

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