👑Chapter 70👑 Truth

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Chapter Edited by the lovely duchessoftheclouds

☆Disclaimer: I barely know about courtroom trials. I'm trying my best to portray a real life session. So don't mind me:) I just watch too much TV lol

❤Follow my snapchat (razia101) I will notify my followers whenever I update!!❤


👑Brysons POV👑

She raised her gavel and hit it against the wood. “Court is now in session.”

All I could think of was repeating ‘Bismillah’ (in the name of God, the most Gracious and most Compassionate).

If God was real, and it he truly had other plans for me in life. I needed all the help he could give me. And some part of me whispered that he heard me.

“You may all be seated now. The prosecutor and the defendant will now present the client’s evidence to the jury, in an attempt to be seen innocent. The case is against Bryson Octavius Scott and Nathaniel Allen. We may now begin," the judge spoke, her voice filled with authority as she scanned the crowd.

I took a deep breath and folded my hands together. I wanted to turn around so badly just to get a brief minute of looking into her chocolate brown eyes. Just so I could calm down and feel that reassurance she gave me.

But I couldn't; I was too ashamed of what her family thought of as this moment.

“First witness,” the judge spoke.

Mr. James stood up, walking down the aisle.

“I would like to call Bryson Scott on the stand,” Mr. James said.

I rolled away on my wheelchair and went up the ramp to the stand that I sat behind. I saw all of the jury’s eyes follow my wheelchair.

“Do you agree to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” The judge asked me.

“I do," I nodded.

“State your name and occupation,” the judge said.

I didn't turn my head towards her; I instead looked forward to the jury and spoke, “Bryson Octavius Scott, senior in high school.”

“Alright, Mr. Scott, on the afternoon of January 13th, you were heading towards the warehouse, correct?” he asked me, pacing back and forth.

“Yes, correct.” I answered, keeping my voice firm.

“And what time would you say that was around?” He asked.

“Around 5 o'clock, I think,” I said.

I looked forward and saw the doors open slowly. Dre, Chase, Stephen, and Evan walked in slowly. The speed of my heart decreased, knowing that they had finally arrived.

“Why was it so necessary to go to that warehouse?” Mr. James asked.

I took a deal breath. “They had someone close to me kidnapped.”

“You need to be specific, Mr. Scott”

“Nathan-” My eyes met his cold ones, “kidnapped Madina Omar from work and forcefully took her to the warehouse.”

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