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"MSR STYLES, it's really good to see you again." The doctor said smiling warmly.

I stood on my ground unfazed, staring at him as if I've just seen a ghost. My perception was riling me with thousands of possibilities that he might ask me something which is related to Harry. Heart was flapping like a desperate bird against my ribcage as if it was a subdued spirit who wants enfranchisement.

"Hello." Emmy chimed nudging me with her elbow softly.

I breath out slowly endeavouring to convince myself that nothing is going to happen. I have to handle it with neat hand.

"Hello doctor." I finally greeted him, plucking my pale face into a genius emotion.

You can do this Venessa.

For your own good and for your baby.

"Please sit down." The doctor gestures us to take seats.

Emmy shot me a look, her smile wasn't forsaking her face. Her eyes were prospecting answers and precisely I knew what she wanted to know.

"You know Venessa?" Emmy asked abruptly not even glancing at me for a second.

"I am Styles's personal doctor." He answered in terse.

The room submerged into dead silence. Neither Emmy said anything after that nor the doctor. My eyes took a perusal at Emmy's way, only to victim her pale face and dumbfounded demeanor.

"Where is Mr Styles?" My stomach turn up side down when he mentioned Harry's name. My chest tightened up, driving my breathing away from my lungs.

Tenuous lines of sweats commenced to gather on my skin, raising my anxiety level higher and making me feel nauseous. The low hum of AC was the only audible clop I could hear and the frantically beating heart of mine inside my chest.

"You know she is pregnant and she haven't said anything to him yet. It's a surprise." Emmy announced, lacing pure merriment in her tone. Her blue eyes sparkled as she smiled widely at the doctor, hoisting her acting skill on the situation.

"Really? That would be very impressive then." The doctor, I mean Antonio Law said with a small warming smile on his face while roaming his incisive eyes on me.

"Yeah." I acceded to his assumption with an undertone smiling tightly.

"I would ask Mr. Styles to throw a party and mark up my monthly payment." Antonio joked chuckling which made Emmy laugh equally but more like she was forcing herself to laugh.

Again Harry's surname put on an upheaval on me. I gulped down smiling at him and draw my eyes down where my lap was and all I could see were my shaken hands.

Later, Antonio asked me bunch of questions including small small details about my experience of issues during pregnancy. I answered him honestly skipping the part that I was stressed and of course the nightmare.

"The duration is a few weeks. And I would suggest not to do ultrasound right now. It might seems like a harmless business but it causes afflictions to the mother's health and of course the baby too." I nodded listening him gingerly.

"I would transmit your case to Dr. Shawn from our hospital. She's experienced and very keen minded. You can trust her with your baby and yourself." Antonio informed, roaming his eyes over the list of my pregnancy's aspects that he scribed down a few minutes ago.

First, a few questions raised in my head that why he wasn't taking my case but then I realized he is sending me to someone who is an expert from his hospital.

"You might be thinking why I am not taking care of your case?" Abruptly Antonio assumed looking into my eyes.

I shared a perplexed glance with Emmy.

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