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THE DARK aura is prevailing as always in the air of Styles Mansion and my eyes scanned the calm situation while listening to the sound of birds chirping. A gust of wind blew rising my skin. Currently I am standing before my recent house which I left two days ago as also taking a solid resolve that I might not put my foot steps here again in life. But here I am again, preparing myself physically and mentally to enter there.

The fear was still consuming me. Voices are whispering it's sinful sweaty and bad omened thoughts inside my head. I gulped down the thick lump that was choking me. My hands were shaking and sweating profusely.

The danger was itself waiting for me. I still couldn't put on my faith to the fact that Henson or Neona is the poison that's I have to fear and I need to stay away from. It's seems like a nightmare where my most closed person is the lurking danger.

But Harry still haven't said anything defined. It's vague and uncertain to me. My husband is the only person who is the key to every mystery's door. He said I have to put my trust on him and precisely this the only option left for me.

Last night Harry has spent the night at Emmy's house. Emmy and Seth is unknown from the fact that Harry never lost memory. It's me and him who is aware of the truth. He said he can't take any risk. But Harry put afford to make sure that Seth or Emmy won't be scared of him. He made sure they won't feel threatened by him.

And beside this my pregnancy would be a secret too for now.

He said we are not going to tell anyone in the mansion about my pregnancy.

A slight squeezed in my hand kicked my consciousness. I looked at the person who was standing beside me giving me time to process. His faint and warm smile bloomed cherry blossom in my heart, abruptly vanishing all worries.

"You have me and I have you. So, don't be scared." He assured kissing my knuckles while sending a zing of electricity through my blood.

Taking some vacillating step towards the mansion I kept murmuring 'it's ok' mantra in my head. Everyone might be waiting for us by now since Harry already informed them that he found me.  And this issue is another thing that was eating me slowly.

We still don't know who is the predator here and who is the prey.

The door was opened by Shelley as her robotic smile was plastered on her face. The woman isn't someone that you could make a proper conversation with but still she is a good companion for sure.

"Welcome back Mrs. Styles, Mr. Styles." She greeted us stepping aside, giving us space to enter.

I weakly smiled at her not knowing what I should say back. The red blush spread throughout my face, warming my skin only thinking that what she and others might have thought when they found out their sweet Mrs. Styles ran away from home. I can picture all maids whispering in the kitchen room while snickering and laughing at me, saying what a bad fortune I brought for myself or defaming me as a gold digger who ran away with money.

Before I could think further someone slammed their body against me and their familiar perfume hit my nostrils.

"O my god. Where have you been?" Neona exclaimed hugging me tightly and for a moment I forgot everything that Harry filled me with.

"I am sorry." I whispered and I was embarrassed.

"No, don't be sorry. My stupid brother is to take all blames." She spoke softly while glaring at Harry and all Harry did is roll his eyes dramatically.

"Don't roll your eyes little boy. It's your and your annoying arrogant ego's fault." Neona snapped at her brother pointing her perfectly manicured finger. She was angry and upset, I could say that just by looking at her eyes.

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