Chapter 13

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Lin Shang was caught at his grandmother's house, and he confessed to all the crimes. And the process he said was almost exactly the same as Song Wen's reasoning.

At that time, he was so angry that he stabbed his father's heart with a knife, and Lin Zhenghua died soon. Due to the knife stuck in the wound, there was not much bleeding. He was terrified at the time, but he was very calm in love. Before the zombie formed, Zhong Qing and him stuffed the corpse into a large suitcase and transported it to the rental house.

The mother and son went to the cram school pretending to have nothing to do, but Lin Shang didn't listen to all the courses.

The French Open was sloppy and not leaking. Although Love made sacrifices and was willing to take the blame for him, Lin Shang still did not escape the punishment of the law in the end.

Song Wen went through the whole case again. Basically, all the previous questions have been answered, and most of the loopholes have been filled.

Lin is underage, and what awaits him may be to enter a juvenile detention center for education; Ma Minghui and Guo Zi will be sentenced for extortion; Zhong Ai will be sentenced to the crime of shelter and corpse torture and be punished by law.

After three days and seventy-two hours, even if a corpse case was broken, all four perpetrators were arrested.

After the case was solved, it was busy for several days to wrap up, and these people in the first team finally ushered in a rare weekend. On Sunday afternoon, Song Wen habitually took out his sketchbook and began to draw.

He painted faces one by one, those he loved, those of Lin Zhenghua, and those of Lin Shang. He didn't close the book until these various faces filled the entire sheet of paper.

Then Song Wen opened the phone, his fingers swiped on the screen, but suddenly thought of something, opened the album, there was a photo in the album, which he found from Cheng Xiaobing's physical evidence that day. That photo should not have been taken, but the little girl pressed the shutter and was reluctant to delete it. After Song Wen discovered this photo, he didn't announce it, but kept a copy in his mobile phone.

In the photo, Lu Siyu lowered his head and looked at the trunk of the victim's car with a focused expression on his handsome face.

Some things, like beads, seem to have nothing to do with each other, but when you think about it carefully, there are already some signs that can be linked together. Song Wen remembered Zhou Yining's words and the previous investigation results, he suddenly got up, picked up his clothes and went out.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Siyu was cooking dinner in a small villa in the west of Nancheng. Today, he stewed a pot of fish soup, and he killed the fish with his own hands.

Lu Siyu's movements were neat and tidy. First, he knocked the fish unconscious to remove the internal organs, scales, gills, and black membranes in the abdomen. Then he washed the fish with a blank expression and washed away the blood on his hands. Use kitchen paper to absorb the water from the fish, heat the pan with cold oil, fry it up and down first, then add water, light yellow oil flowers pop up, the soup gradually turns white, and cook until the soup is milky white and gradually thickened.

Lu Siyu has always believed that the freshness of food is closely related to the death time of creatures. In order to make enough delicious food, it must be cooked in the shortest time when the food dies. Therefore, he usually buys poultry and fish by himself. The blood of the poultry is warm, the blood of fish is cold, and the shrimp will be alive. Only when such food is made can it be called a delicacy in the world.

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