Chapter 89

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The investigation of the case has entered the fourth day. They have found out the method of Chen Yanqiu's revival, and found a carefully planned car accident, but they still know nothing about Chen Yanqiu's death. As of now, no suspect has been identified.

Several people met at the city bureau in the morning and exchanged the progress. Song Wen made the next work arrangement: "Fu Linjiang, old Jia, you continue in your direction, Zhu Xiao, you follow the traffic bureau." Then he turned to Lu Siyu said, "Let's check the lower reaches first to meet the family members of the victims of the car accident. We made an appointment with them yesterday. We will go there around ten o'clock."

What is now confirmed is that there was something wrong with the crash, and it was a big problem. If the real perpetrator of the car accident has no clue, they can only skip this link temporarily. The only people who can be directly contacted at present are the family members of Zhao Youlan, the deceased in the car accident.

Nancheng is too big, with an area of ​​7,000 square kilometers and a population of several million. The disappearance of a cleaner in the city is basically silent, and people only think about why there is no garbage when they see the garbage on the roadside. people cleaning.

The area that Zhao Youlan was responsible for cleaning was the section of Changshou Road in the west of Nancheng City. The total length is more than 1,000 meters. There are tall plane trees on both sides of the road. It is late summer, and the leaves are still green. In autumn, the streets are full of fallen leaves of the plane trees, and they need to be cleaned two or three times a day.

Every morning, this fast area is divided into two sections by a road. At the end of the section, there are several lively bars. Every night, they revel until three or four in the morning. It is a place of bliss for young people. , but several old buildings of the Republic of China. People have already gone to the empty building for a long time, and passing by here at night, it seems that there will be ghosts and spirits at any time.

Two such extreme places, just separated by a street, appear in such a southern city, like hell and heaven.

Human beings will pay a price for convenient transportation at the same time. Compared with various ways of death, car accidents are the most tragic and painful. It is also difficult to let go of the relatives.

In the early morning of December 25 last year, sanitation worker Zhao Youlan was involved in a car accident and was dragged to death on the spot, without even having a chance to go to the hospital for rescue.

From those archives, we can see her life, Zhao Youlan, female, 54 years old, junior high school education, was a female cleaner of Nancheng Sanitation Bureau before her death. She is ordinary in height and looks ordinary. People don't even look at her when they pass by. Song Wen can't think of a second word to describe her except 'ordinary'. She seems to be living in Nancheng. The ordinary workers are ordinary, ordinary but conscientious.

Zhao Youlan's home is in Jiang Huaishu Community, which is an old community. This is not a prosperous place. Looking south from the community, you can see the Nancheng Tower from a distance. Only at this time can people feel that this place and those modern high-rise buildings are in the same city.

Song Wen could hardly remember when he was in a place like this last time. Different from the modern elevator room with bright and clean windows, the windows of this old apartment are small and exquisite, it seems that the windows also occupy the area, and can't wait to build a small "Sun" or "Tian". Divide people from people, from home to home.

Zhao Youlan's wife, Zhang Congyun, is a few years older than her and is 60 this year. He and Zhao Youlan's daughter Zhang Lili worked as a cashier in a supermarket. They divorced her husband two years ago. They have a daughter who happened to be at work today and is at home. Zhu Xiao's phone call was also her.

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