Chapter 73

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At ten o'clock in the morning, on time, Song Wen and Lu Siyu appeared in the conference room of Nancheng Bureau.

Since it was a rest day, the police station was still quiet, but all the relevant team members were there.

Song Wen sat down and directly presided over the meeting and said, "Let's summarize the circumstances of Xia's unknown death case. Can the cause of death be determined now?"

Lin Xiuran's eye circles were still dark, obviously he hadn't slept all night. He projected a picture of the bones on the slide, and as you can see from the above, the bones that were pieced together were far from complete.

"After an overnight salvage, we recovered more than 100 white bones in total, such as stapes, phalanges and other smaller and lighter bones, which are estimated to have been lost. Eighteen years, the body has been completely ossified, and the bones Incomplete, the cause of death has not yet been determined. In the early hours of this morning, we found a broken fingernail from the wall of the sewer. This fingernail was located at a relatively high position, so it was preserved intact. "

As he spoke, Lin Xiuran pulled out a few photos, one of which was on the wall of the sewer, with various scratches intertwined on it, which were the marks that he had dug out from the wall with his hands.

The photo has been lightened and processed to look even more horrifying, making people a little scalp numb.

That woman used to be in this dark underground, tortured and finally died.

"In addition, we found a small butterfly knife, which is suspected to be the murder weapon. However, it is clear that the weapon did not kill Xia Weiwei. She was probably pushed into the sewer after she was unconscious." Lin Xiuran was talking on the projection. A small butterfly knife was projected on the instrument.

Lin Xiuran continued to summarize the situation: "We can basically confirm that the victim, Xia Weiwei, was lured to the entrance of the sewer on the night of September 12, about eighteen years ago. The deceased may have been injected with drugs, or it is possible that She was seriously injured. Then, the suspect threw Xia Weiwei into the sewer. Xia Weiwei woke up inside and struggled for about an hour and a half, and then died. During this period, no one heard the call for help or found her. And this It happened to be a blind spot in the nursing home, so no one searched here later."

Lin Xiuran pointed to a photo and said: "Then we talked about the nail, this is where we found the nail of the deceased, there is good news, the nail is in a higher position, and it is a concave place. I have detected a drop of blood on this fingernail that does not belong to the victim. It is a pity that, because the blood of the victim and the blood of the suspect are mixed together, the current The DNA of the suspect has not been analyzed, and the technical department is trying to separate it. However, don't hold out too much hope. The blood sample is seriously contaminated. With the current technology, it may not be possible to separate it. It's male."

Sometimes the evidence at the scene is so miraculous that after fifteen or twenty years, as long as there is half a blood spot, the murderer or the suspect can be found out. However, in murder cases, the pollution caused by the fusion of blood has always been one of the difficulties in criminal investigation, and there are very few bloodstains on the nails, and the number of tests that can be carried out is limited. This precious blood cannot tell them who the murderer is. .

Listening to the results of the forensic examination, Fu Linjiang pressed his temples: "So did the eyewitnesses lie back then?"

Song Wendao: "It has not been ruled out in front of me, it is also possible that the man killed Xia Weiwei."

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