Chapter 162

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The morning when Lu Siyu and his brother were taken out of the school by the driver, the sky seemed to be blue, the scenery by the river was particularly beautiful, the reeds swayed in the wind, it was empty and beautiful, and the whole world was extremely quiet.

As a young man, he didn't understand why the driver suddenly changed lanes and took them to this strange place, where is this place, and who are they waiting for?

The door was locked firmly, and my brother couldn't open it.

The driver was terrified and uneasy, wiped his sweat all the time, and repeatedly said sorry.

Then someone came, the driver took them to the river, walked 20 meters along the embankment, and finally came to a man who was smoking, and there was an unpleasant smell of smoke all over his body , when he saw them, he turned his head and looked down at them condescendingly.

At that time, Lu Siyu realized that they seemed to be sold by the driver...

The people around you that you trust have turned into sharp swords that pierce your heart.

Thinking about it, it seems that there are early signs. This driver is the distant cousin of his family. Although he looks honest and honest, he has always said that he envied them and said that they were born with a good life.

He often said while driving, what if your family had money, and in retrospect, his face was full of jealousy.

The driver is not busy at work, but he regards the kindness of others as discrimination against him, and feels that he has become a slave of his relatives, and it is humiliating for him to pick him up.

Money, really, is the source of all evil... Even relatives would betray each other for their own benefit. Under the provocation of others, he did such a thing.

The driver seemed to be discussing money matters with the man, saying how difficult it was for him, how big a risk he had taken, and that he would have to give him more money after the incident was completed, completely unaware that he was scheming with a tiger.

The man became impatient, and casually pulled out a gun from behind him, raised it, and snapped a gunshot.

Lu Siyu covered his ears in fear, and there were echoes from the quiet river, which disturbed a few birds, and his brother whispered to him, "Don't look back."

Then he heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, smelled the smell of gunpowder, and smelled blood. Only then did he realize that the sound he heard just now was the sound of the driver falling to the ground, and that was the last sound he made in this world.

The man lowered his head and wiped the gun in his hand. What he did was too casual, as if he didn't kill a single person, but just let a shot go.

At that time, Lu Siyu didn't listen to his brother's words, and still secretly glanced back in fear. The cousin who had been picking them up was lying in a pool of blood at this time, his eyes were still open, that was in his life. The first corpse saw.

The feeling of imminent death made him feel uncomfortable, his heart seemed to have lost its ability to make blood, and his whole body was covered with ice. He was afraid, afraid that he or his brother would be next.

Soon, someone carried the driver's body, threw it down the river bank, and threw it into the turbulent river, like a mass of garbage.

His eyes were covered with a black cloth, and a rope was tied to his hands, which made his wrists hurt. He and his brother were taken to another car. There was nothing to see in front of him, only the smell of the car. The last unpleasant perfume smell, and the smell of smoke.

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