Chapter 140

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Eleven years ago, in Nancheng No. 1 Middle School, in the classroom of Class Two and Three.

It was the final exam in summer, the weather in Nancheng was very hot, and Zhi Zhi kept shouting from the trees outside, as if he was never tired.

The windows were open in the classroom, the blue curtains were blown up by the wind from time to time, and the bright sunlight slanted in and shone on the test paper, leaving a clear line.

The seats were changed to a single row for the exam, with a total of six rows, and the table buckets were all facing forward. All the student test numbers and seats were randomly selected by the machine, and were pasted on the corner of the table in the order of the test numbers.

This is a final exam in Nancheng, and leaders and teachers attach great importance to it. The invigilators were all sent from the high school department, and there were no familiar faces, so they were extremely strict.

Today's test is the first subject - mathematics. Zhao Yuliang has written the entire test paper and is checking it. He was in a good mood. Today he was assigned to the classroom exam of his class, which made him feel a little relaxed.

With forty minutes left in the exam, he answered all the questions and was confident that he would get a high score.

The invigilator was walking around the classroom, when suddenly, the boy sitting in front of him turned his head while the teacher was not paying attention.

At this time, Zhao Yuliang finally saw who was sitting in front of him. His expression changed suddenly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart. That person is his roommate and the person he is most afraid of...

When he entered the exam room before, he didn't have time to look around, he didn't pay attention to who was sitting in front of him, and he didn't expect that the two of them happened to be in the exam room of this class, and they were sitting so close.

Zhao Yuliang looked down at the questions on the paper and didn't even bother to check. Just when he was hesitating whether he was going to hand in the paper early, the boy turned his head again, and stretched out his hand, and with a very fast speed, took away the paper in front of him.

It was only for a second, he heard a light sound, like a gust of wind blowing, and then there was only the answer sheet painted with pencil and a few scratch papers in front of him.

At this time, the invigilator just turned around and missed the whole process perfectly.

Zhao Yuliang's body froze there, he thought about what he should do.

tell the teacher?

After the exam, what awaits him is not just being bullied by that person. In any case, he couldn't do this kind of death-seeking thing by himself.

But if you don't say it... don't know when the paper will be copied.

Time passed by second by second, he kept looking at the watch nervously, helpless, scared, scared, the weather was already hot, sweat was on his forehead, wiped off a layer, and more came out immediately.

What made him even more frightened was that the invigilator teacher walked over slowly, and soon, he would be discovered, and there was no test paper in front of him.

How will it be dealt with then?

Is it cheating, or is it an accomplice to cheating?

His heart was beating wildly, and a heart was about to pop out of his chest. He was so nervous that he wanted to go to the toilet. , sitting there, clenching his legs.

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