Chapter 6

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*Amrin Pov*

I continue to stare everywhere from the car's seatbelt to the front seat and then to the beads on the clutch. Until getting inside the car, I was ok to get to the business party as a date with him.

However, now it seems all my nerves want to meet me this moment itself, making me wish I just sat inside the flat. I can't even share with him that I am tense otherwise he will state a new rule.

"Are you nervous?" His question startled me and I slowly nodded before turning to stare at him.

"Few photos will be taken, and we will go inside. Just stay beside me and no one will ask anything, which would make you more nervous." He explained assuring me, but it didn't seem like that as hearing the photo itself, I felt like jumping outside the car.

"No... no..." I started waving my hands along with shaking my head.

"I said it will be ok right?" he asked, holding my hands tightly and rubbed my palms while I stared at him in shock.

"I will be there beside you, and you will be fine." He again repeated rubbing my palms with his fingers, and I slowly nodded.

"I am fine!" I said when he continued to rub my palms.

"Ok!" he said, but didn't leave them and just held them in his, and I gave a small smile.

"Just smile at the camera's and do not answer to any questions." he instructed when we both got outside the car.

I tried to give a small smile staring at the cameras without blinking while he pressed his hand, which is around my waist assuring me.

He didn't release even when we walked inside the building, and I didn't ask him to as I felt like I may fall at any second looking at all the people in the hall.

"Do you need anything?" he asked in a whisper.

"Water?" I replied like a question.

"Try some champagne." He said, gesturing me to take a glass from the server passing us.

I followed his suit and took one glass myself hoping that it will calm my nerves at least a little. I walked to wherever he is stepping towards and stood in silence beside him and no one even thought to have a word with me until now.

"You are doing good." he whispered in the middle.

"I am not doing anything." I whispered back, shaking my head and glanced at few people staring at me like I have done something wrong.

I took another sip and saw the man who is talking with Dileep is glancing at me for every second with a creepy look. Doesn't he know that I could be nearly to his daughter or son's age?

I took a peek at Dileep to see that he knows what is happening but is not saying anything. Why would he? I am not his real date right?

Tapping his hand around my waist, I made him release me and walked towards the ladies' room which I saw while entering here. I glanced around to see few looks who were staring at me outside are even here.

"So you are his new affair?" one woman asked.

"Maybe!" I replied with a shrug, not knowing what to even say to her, but looks like my reply has been taken in a wrong way as her mocking look turned into anger one.

"Just tell him that he still didn't deposit the money he said he will otherwise his whole house will be ruined like his bedroom." She spatted and walked away.

She is the one who was with him before me? Then how can he select me after her? I shook my head remembering my need for this proposal and walked outside to see him standing near to the door with a hard look.

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