Chapter 14

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*Amrin Pov*

"We are not going to get you slaughtered, Amrin." His statement reached my ears, but I do not want to react to his hand over mine or even to his words.

"How did you know that I am living with my friend?" I asked him the question which is revolving in my head but didn't glance at him.

"It was more than easy as it seems you didn't try to be hiding from me." He replied, and I can hear a little accusation in his voice.

"Why would I hide from you? I just made your work easier by going away myself, and I thought you would be relieved." I said shaking my head.

"However, the only mistake I did was to choose a cowardly way by writing a letter and now the direct words because of which I am now on the way back to your place." I added frowning to myself and saw that we are about to reach his place.

"Atleast you stopped crying." He mumbled, making me wish I got some more tears, which stopped the moment, we entered the city.

The tears were more for making the people who were nice enough to give me shelter thinks bad about me. I wish they had a nice opinion of me or hope they still do. They didn't say anything to me, but I know they didn't expect this from me.

I apologized a million times to Janani even though she said I didn't have to. At least, she is not angry at me, but I know there can be restrictions regarding our calls to each other.

"I wish I had the money to stay somewhere and even bear your determination except returning to you." I said to his face when we stepped inside the elevator.

"You have money!" he said with a confused tone.

"No! It finished with a doctor's appointment and then the traveling expenses." I said frowning at him.

"What? You have so much money in your account." He stated opening the door.

"That is yours and not mine. I used the money which I earned from my previous job." I said in a small tone when I took a step inside the place where I didn't think I would return ever again.

"You took care of my house, and you earned it. Anyway, I will leave for the office as I missed few meetings because of you." He said glancing at his watch.

"Because of me? Do you even know what is going on around us? I left the place because it was for best, and you made me return." I said, raising my voice getting all the frustration I ever felt in my life towards him.

"I didn't force you to return." He said shrugging, and I gasped.

"You forced me saying those blackmailing words that you helped me when I need the place, and I should return as you asked me to." I said remembering his words, which pushed the decision to return.

"I can say whatever I want, and I wanted you to return. Like I said I didn't force you here." He retorted.

"Why do you want me to return? It's not like I am the last woman you can get. Before the time your Mom gets you married, you can have as many relations as you want and no one would say anything to you Prince." I said with the jealousy I am feeling even to think about him with another one but used his title to let him know I am serious.

"I do not want another woman for now." He said with the rage he showed hearing my words.

"I never thought you were this low. Now I am feeling sad for the woman who will marry you." I said honestly.

"Think before you say something to me. I have every right to have relationships when I am not cheating on someone by doing these." He said fisting his hands.

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