Chapter 6

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*Mridula Pov*

I heard another shout and immediately rushed near to the bed coming out of the shock. However, when I reached near him, I stopped not knowing what to say and how to say anything.

Along with that another question entered regarding with what identity should I call him. I shook my head, letting go of all the questions and slowly placed my hand over his forehead when he continued to tremble shouting some words which I couldn't understand.

"It's ok!" I whispered slowly while kneeling near the bed and brushed his forehead along with his hair reluctantly hoping this would ease his nightmares.

He slowly calmed down and blinked his eyes while I switched on the bedside light. He frowned, looking up and I immediately removed my hand.

"What are you doing here?" he asked and then coughed.

"Have some water." I mumbled pouring some in a glass, and then gave it to him.

"What are you really doing here? I thought I said you have to sleep in the other room." He said sitting up and I stood up from the floor.

"They all are locked. Are you ok?" I asked, seeing his face covered with sweat.

"Of course she would do this to me." He mumbled ignoring my question.

"Are you fine?" I asked again to which he suddenly glared at me.

"What do you think? Do you think I am some mental patient?" he literally barked and I took a step back in fear.

"You didn't want to marry me." I stated when silence surrounded us.

"Yes! Mom gave me two options, and I chose one." He said grumbling before lying back.

"You can stay here, but do not disturb me again." He added closing his eyes, and I opened my mouth in shock.

I disturbed him? When did that happen without my knowledge? I shrugged to myself before lying on the bed in the corner and then glanced at the door, remembering no one walking inside the room hearing his shouts.

Feeling no energy to even think about it or anything else, I laid back before drifting off into sleep.

"Are you inside?" I asked, knocking on the washroom door after staring at it for the past half an hour from the empty room.

I slowly turned the knob when I didn't hear any sound from inside and saw that the washroom is empty. However, there are his night clothes showing he has got freshen up.

I immediately started getting ready even though it is too earlier than everyday thinking, he must be downstairs having some food or wanting some.

"Where is he?" I mumbled to myself and searched the living room and then the garden before understanding that he left by seeing a car missing.

I know the daily activities or even about their everyday things of everyone, but the stupid me never thought about him. I actually never even felt him as a part of this family at all and never even gave a thought to him.

"Did he leave for office so early even today?" Aunty asked climbing down the stairs.

"At what time does he leave, Aunty?" I asked her frowning.

"At five! I thought he will not from today onwards." she replied in a sad tone to herself before moving to the couch for the morning paper.

"He is still adjusting, Aunty. Maybe it will take time." I offered, hoping she will not feel sad.

"You are right and I know you will make sure everything is all right." She said nodding and opened the paper.

"I... I will go and see for morning coffee." I mumbled, walking away not liking her believes that I will do something.

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