Chapter 16

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*Amrin Pov*

"Don't be so stiff while doing it. You will not achieve anything if you behave like you are murdering someone and not doing a stroke of paint." I groaned hearing the scolding from the person on whom I trusted blindly.

"I am trying, right?" I asked him frowning.

"It doesn't seem to be. I know you can do better than this, Ms.Amrin. You need to lose the stiffness in your hand." He replied, and I stepped away from the canvas to stare at him.

"Mr.Tanmai! I told you that I am not that good at this, but you just took in the small painting I did to help an old man and decided that I will be great in this." I said, and he rolled his eyes before removing the paper sheet to place a new one.

"You will be, but you need to learn properly." He said shrugging.

"I trusted you and even paid you the amount taking some loan from a friend." I said, remembering how much I contemplated before taking the amount from my account thinking to put it back when I could earn my own like this man is saying.

"Which is a stupid thing to trust me like that." He pointed out making me sigh.

"As you can see I am very bad at this. So, now can I have the money back to repay the friend?" I asked him, placing the brush away.

"Are you giving up so easily, Ms.Amrin? And don't forget that with that money, you got a partnership for owning this studio and even lessons from me. After I know that you will do good, you can go on your own, but now you need my connections." He replied before taking the brush and placed it in my hand.

"For that much money only this place?" I asked, looking around to see a small room which is not at all in good condition.

"Close your eyes, forgetting about everything that is troubling you and just paint." He ordered moving me to stand before the canvas which we are doing from the past three days, and I paid the money yesterday when I saw that he is not a con artist and actually is well known in Goa.

If I didn't take that walk when I felt so bored, then I wouldn't have met an old man selling small paintings of his on the road by stepping on one of his paintings by accident. To cover that painting I just painted a new one which got caught by this man who was behind me for a few days until I accept to his crazy plan.

Dileep left for his office work today morning and will not return within one week. By that time, I need to know for myself whether all this is worth it or not before telling him anything.

"Done!" I said, stepping back to see him smiling.

"This is exactly what I am talking about. I have a little work for the closing of the exhibition in this city. Why don't you stay and think what else you can paint and where you need help with?" He said and walked away from this room, which is little far from Vishwanth companies.

"Will I get a certificate? Like I should show it as a proof right?" I asked him while locking the room.

"You will get one from my Dad's local college. It would have been better to join in some university directly, but as you said you don't have needed marks, and also you don't want to leave this place for my Dad's college." He replied.

"I just really wish I earn the money back which I am using right now. And I don't want anything else than that." I said, hoping I get to put the money back soon.

"I will tell you what! If in this week you show the changes at the points where you are not capable, then I will start talking about small exhibitions like very small, which are mainly conducted to increase confidence. After that we will see what else you can do." He said smiling.

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