Chapter 2

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*Nipuna Pov*

I woke up groaning and rubbed my eyes feeling like I just got ran over by a truck. I shook my head and remembered what happened yesterday and then glanced beside me at the empty space.

I remember him waking me up in the early morning and saying he needs to leave now after giving me his number. He even made me lock the door so that no one else will enter the room.

I patter the paper below my mobile and crumbled it with the anger at myself for having a one-night stand for the first time in my life. If it is not for the anger at some people, then this wouldn't have happened.

However, I cannot fault anyone except myself. I yawned and chose to leave the house before anyone questions me.

I got inside the car and dialed the number to make few people learn the lesson for doing such disgusting things.

"Where are you, beta? You are fine right?" I heard the sound of my dad's bodyguard.

"I am fine, uncle. But you have some work to do." I replied and explained him about the spiking of cold drink I got subjected to.

"I got their mobile phones with me while hitting them. You just need to get them punished before they do this to someone else." I added to which he promised before I hung up.

He is my dad's bodyguard from the time as much as I can remember. However, he took time to help me with protecting myself, and he cares for my welfare, which I will never forget no matter what happens in my life.

I entered the house and started walking towards the stairs, ignoring my dad sitting at the dining table. However, he had to clear his throat to make me stop my moment.

"When did you go out?" he asked making me roll my eyes.

"Yesterday night!" I replied, not turning around.

"You were out the whole night? What were you thinking?" he shouted and I sighed before turning around.

"Then what were you thinking before pushing my boyfriend away from me?" I asked him back raising my eyebrow.

"What? Is it still about that guy? It has been what a whole three months?" he asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"When you didn't care for me when I was a kid and when I need my father, then how can you come forward now saying whom I should date and whom I should not for your political career?" I shouted at him before turning away and climbed the stairs to reach my room.

"Hello!" I barked when I got a call.

"Are you still angry on us?" I heard my best friend Chaitra asking.

"What do you think? How are the bride and groom, Chaitra? Did you guys even click photos?" I asked her in a sarcastic tone.

"He is our friend, Nipuna." She replied sighing.

"Yeah, right! He dated me for one year and is marrying another girl within three months after the break up. On top of that, this is a love marriage and you all guys went to attend it. I am so happy right now." I shouted fisting my hand.

"Your dad asked him to stay away, Nipuna." she said raising her voice.

"And he is not a kid to get scared by a parent." I retorted.

"Ok! I think you need to calm down because you are not angry because he broke up with you. You are angry because he let your Dad win something." She stated and I closed my eyes.

"Yes! How dare he do that? And I am even angry for falling in love with someone else so soon. He should have waited for a few more months." I said whining before leaning back on the bed.

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