Always mischief

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"If music of my flute is your heartbeat, then voice of yours are melody of my soul."

As Krishna's Krishnan started to grow up, they become more mischievous. Making both of the mother tired but how could they stay upset at them. Especially when Krishnaa always rushes hearing the melody of Krishna's flute. Like nothing could stop her as her feet move on its own to her Krishna. Because Krishna is calling for her. Soon they meet with Krishna big brother Balraam who is Vasudeva wife Rohini son, who lived in Gokul, incarnation of Sesshnaag.

Wind started to flow by as now Krishna was running away from mother Yashoda. He again eats all the Makhan and now his mother is looking for him.

Balraam - How long are you planning to run away Kanha?

Krishna - Until I find Shri. Only she can help me out of this Dua.

Balraam - I doubt you will be able to find Krishnaa. She never stays in one place.

Krishna - Krishna's Krishnaa. It's not possible that Krishna needs Krishnaa, and she wouldn't come.

Balraam - Only Narayan's Narayani knows.

Krishna started to play his flute. Krishnaa could hear the sound of Krishna's flute. He is calling for her. She runs toward the melody but hides behind the tree. Krishna stopped playing and opened his eyes. But he couldn't see Krishnaa. He started to look around.

Balraam - Seems like she did not come.

Krishna - No she is here; I can feel her. (Why are you troubling your Krishna?)

Balraam - Maybe she is too busy to hear your calls.

Y/n - Krishnaa can never be too busy to hear Krishna's call.

Y/n - Krishnaa can never be too busy to hear Krishna's call

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Krishna runs toward Krishnaa. He again started to play his flute and Krishnaa started to sing and dance. Gopi and Gopals also comes there as they were mesmerized by their music and Krishnaa dance.

Balraam - What are you planning Kanha?

Krishna - My Shri will help me. (I look at Shri who just smiled.)

Y/n - I don't remember saying anything like that.

Krishna - You wouldn't help your Krishna.? (I give her my best pleading eyes.)

Balraam - Don't be like that Kanha. (How he always does those things?)

Y/n - Come on both of you. Mother had made fresh Makhan and laadu.

Krishna - Let's go. (I hold Shri hand and started to walk.)

Balraam - Hey wait for me! You can't run away from mother Yashoda forever.

Krishna - If you don't walk fast. We are going to leave you behind.

Soon they reached Krishnaa's house. Mother Aadarshini gives them Makhan and laadu. Krishna gives his first bite to Krishnaa; Mother Aadarshini was fondly looking at them. Krishna then happily started to eat as his whole face is now covered with Makhan. Krishnaa smiled and cleaning Makhan from Krishna's face. He smiled looking at her. But suddenly someone pulled Krishna's ear.

Yashoda - Krishna, how many times I told you not to eat all the Makhan?

Aadarshini - Let it be. Look how cute they look while eating.

Yashoda - Krishna always does that. Your Krishnaa is not as Mischief like Krishna.

Aadarshini - Who told you that? You don't know how hard it is to find her. One second, she is here and other second, she is gone.

Balraam - And they are gone. (It's hard to tell which one is more mischief than other.)

Both mothers looked around as they saw no sign of those children. Krishna's Krishnaa is sitting beside the river. This is one of those favorite places, every night they come here and sat down under the night sky. Krishna was looking at Krishnaa.

Y/n - Ask what it is you want to know

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Y/n - Ask what it is you want to know. (His stares.)

Krishna - Is there anything going to Change in destiny?

Y/n - why are you asking that? (There is still time.)

Krishna - You are not answering the question Shri. (Why always hide?)

Y/n - Destiny can't be changed. Destiny is decided when every living being was created. And you know that better than anything.

Krishna - Then why some part of future is unclear?

Y/n - Because the choices we make might change the outcome.

Krishna - So will it change everything?

Y/n - Everything will happen the way it is decided. Nothing can change that.

Krishna - (There was a smile on her face like always. But there is sadness in her eyes. Why?)

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