End of Mayasura

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They ended lots of Asurs on those way to Patal lok. Soon they reached Patal lok as King Mayasura takes his army as Shukracharya understand it is none other than lord Narayan in his human avatar.

Mayasura - You think you can defeat me.

Vishnu - Of course, after all I have taken birth to end you, Mayasura.

Mayasura - A human like you cannot end me. I have Tridev boon no one can defeat me.

Vishnu - Maybe you don't remember Mayasura. I did say in my next avatar on earth I will become the reason of your death.

Both sides started to fight with each other. One by one Asurs get defeated by king Kush. Soon Mayasura come front of Vishnu, but he was shocked that he couldn't be able to defeat Vishnu.

Mayasura - Who are you? Why can't I defeat you?

Vishnu - You wish to know, who I am? Then see for yourself.

Vishnu takes his true form as Mayasura saw lord Narayan. Lord Narayan has taken birth on his human form to end him. Mayasura understands everything as he put his hands front of him.

Mayasura - Forgive me Lord Narayan. For using your boon against you.

Vishnu - You are forgiven but no wrong deeds go unpunished.

Vishnu slays Mayasura as his body lay on the ground lifeless. Vishnu goes inside the palace garden as he saw Vishnumaya. Those eyes fall on each other. Vishnumaya runs to Vishnu as he holds her in his arms.

Y/n - You came. (How long I have been waiting for this moment, when I will be back in your embrace.)

Vishnu - Finally you are in my arms. I will never let you go from out of my sight.

Trijata - My duty is done. Give me permission so, I can take my leave.

Vishnu - Devi you have taken care of Vishnumaya. Ask what is it you want? And it shall be given to you.

Trijata - I am happy able to help you. Only wish I have to born as a human.

Vishnu - In my avatar Krishna in Dwapar Yug, you will take birth as my youngest sister Subhadra.

Vishnu takes Vishnumaya with him. As king Kush greeted her. on those way king Kush wanted Vishnumaya to visit his kingdom. King Kush welcomed them in his kingdom. Kaveri happily comes hearing about her mother.

Kaveri - Mother. (I touched Mata's feet as it left a calm feeling after all its Mata Narayani's feet.)

Y/n - It's so good to see you daughter. (I take her in my arms.)

They stayed few days in Saurashtra. Soon Kaveri also gives birth to a beautiful son. Soon, they left for Avanti kingdom. On those way they stop by a village, but the land looked cursed. But when Vishnumaya put her feet on the cursed land suddenly it become filled with life. Every village people look shocked, they come front of them and put those hands front of her.

Villagers - Who are you, Devi?

Y/n - we are just a trace passer. Need a place to rest.

Villagers - Devi we are more than happy that you choose our village.

Every villager welcomed them as they can see divine aura coming from three of them. Vishumaya already become part of the village as she started to play with the village children.

Girls - You are really beautiful Devi.

Boys - Just like a Princess.

Vishnu - Because she is a Princess but only my Princess.

They stayed there for the night. The moon was shining as Vishnumaya sat down beside the river. As Vishnu comes there and hold out a lotus on his hand and put that in Vishnumaya's hand.

Vishnu - How much I missed seeing myself in those lotus eyes of yours.

Y/n - The wait has ended. There wouldn't be any more waiting in this Yug.

Vishnu - No more waiting. (I touched her face as she gives me a sweet smile.)

Vishnumaya throws water in Vishnu's face as she run away from him. Vishnu started to run after his Vishnumaya. In next morning Vishnu made bangles with jasmine flowers.

Y/n - Are they for me? (He gives me a smile as he walks toward me.)

Vishnu - Who else? (I put the flower bangles on her hand.)

Y/n - They are beautiful.

Vishnu - Especially in your hands.

Next day they were about to start those journeys again. Villagers come to say those goodbyes to them.

Villagers - Devi when will you visit our village again?

Y/n - I wouldn't but someone soon will. (My daughter.)

They left for Avanti; they stopped by lots of villages on those way. Finally, they reached to Avanti kingdoms gate.

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