Shiv & Sati (Mahamilan)

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Sati couldn't stop thinking about Mahadev. Like she could feel she is part of him. She spoke up about her feelings front of her father. Who became furious hearing that. But Sati told her father she can't lie or hide her feelings. She tries to take her father blessing, but he refused. Sati left and went directly to Mahadev.

Mahadev - Leave Devi. It's not a place for you.

Sati - From now on my place is beside you only.

Mahadev - Devi!

That's when a tear falls from Sati's eye as Mahadev see her true form of Devi Shakti. It's his other half as a tear falls from his eye as well. In kailash Sati and Mahadev wedding was held as Brahma dev, Devi Saraswati. lord Narayan and Devi Narayani was also there. Mahadev married Sati, everyone was happy, but Devi Narayani had a sad smile before leaving from there. It didn't go unnoticed by lord Narayan.

Narayan - What is it, Priye? (I hold back her hand.)

Y/n - Why don't you see yourself; it is not something that is hidden from your eyes.

When Lord Narayan saw what is about to happen, he let go of Devi Narayani hand. In other side Mahadev also saw what is about to happen. Then Prajapati Daksh held a Yugya everyone was invited Lord Narayan and Devi Narayani was also invited there. So was Brahma dev and Devi Saraswati. But he didn't invite Mahadev and Sati.

Sati - How can father do this? How can father invite everyone but not his daughter and also not you Mahadev?

Mahadev - Prajapati Daksh still has not accept our marriage.

Sati - We will go there. I am sure father anger will go down seeing how happy I am.

Mahadev - It's not right to go somewhere, where you are not invited.

Sati - I don't need invitation to go my own father's house.

Mahadev - Try to understand Sati. It wouldn't bring anything good.

Sati - You don't want to go with me than fine. I will go alone.

Mahadev - When you have already decided then how can I stop you?

Sati - "Until I call you myself, you'll neither stop me nor approach me. Mahadev, it's a pledge to you."

Mahadev - (The consequences of your words that bind me today, will only break me.)

Sati - Mahadev give me your words.

Mahadev - I give you my word, I would not intervene until you call for me.

Sati goes to Prajapati Daksh palace but hearing her father insult Mahadev. She couldn't accept it. As she realizes why Mahadev try to stop her. She also understood in this body she can never truly be with Mahadev.

Sati - Forgive me Mahadev, but now Sati will only meet you when she will no longer be bound by anything other than her Shiv.

Sati put herself on fire as Devi Narayani could feel the heat. In Kailash Mahadev get furious as he takes his Virbadhra avatar and comes to Daksh palace. Virbadhra ended Daksh life and turn back to Mahadev as he takes Satis body in his arms and start to walk away. Lord Narayan was upset at Devi Narayani for letting this happen.

Narayan - Why did you let it happen? Didn't you thought about how much pain it will cause Mahadev?

Y/n - It was necessary. (If only you understand how much it pains me seeing Mahadev like this.)

Narayan - Necessary. Then why you made them meet with each other? To only separate them in the end.

Y/n - Because it was important for Mahadev to know Shakti's existence.

Narayan - Why then separate them? Why did you decide such a destiny?

Y/n - I separate them? I decided it? Maybe you are forgetting it was Sati who made the decision.

Narayan - Because she didn't know what will happen, but you did.

Y/n - So did you and Mahadev. Mahadev did try to stop Sati, but she already made her choice and bound him with her promise.

Narayan - Tell me why it was necessary for Sati to give up her life?

Y/n - Because she also realized in this form, she could never become Mahadev's.

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