Devi Saraswati

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Lord Narayan and Brahma dev goes to Devi Narayani. Devi Narayani was in her full form as she was in her Yog on endless universe. She opened her eyes and spoke in a divine voice.

Y/n - What is it Brahma dev, that has brought you here?

Brahma - You already know Devi. I can't seem to understand what is it that is missing.

Y/n - You know without knowledge everything is incomplete.

Brahma - Means?

Y/n - You have created lots of planets but there is still lots of things that is still necessary.

Narayan - It seems like you need someone to help you figure out those things.

Brahma - But who Vishnu dev?

Narayan- You have to find it out on your own Brahma dev.

Brahma dev left as he sat down on his lotus, and he started his meditation. Suddenly his thoughts go to Devi Narayani. Brahma Dev started to chant Devi Narayani name in a melody. That's when a divine light emerged from Devi Narayani. That energy goes directly to Brahma dev as a beautiful feminine figure comes out from his mouth. She was sitting on a lotus, wearing white silk saree and jeweler's decorating her body. Brahma dev understand it was the chanting of the melody he called Devi Narayani by.

Brahma- Goddess Saraswati, joy of my every creation. You shall always resist with me in Brahma lok.

Goddess Saraswati who sat on a lotus takes her place beside Brahma dev, he accepted her as his spouse, becoming Devi Brahmani. First marriage of the universe. Goddess Saraswati who started to help Brahma dev giving him direction. As Brahma dev created Cosmos, sun, moon, stars and the earth.

Narayan- It seems like Devi Saraswati, goddess of knowledge and wisdom has finally take her form.

Y/n - Not only that Devi Saraswati also goddess of music, art, learning and speech.

Narayan - She has taken her form by your energy.

Y/n - Everything in this universe will have my energy present in them.

Narayan - Brahma dev seems to be fond of Devi Saraswati. That he married her right away.

Y/n - After all she is created to complete Brahma dev and give her knowledge to this whole universe.

Narayan - Without Shri, Narayan is also incomplete. When will you complete me? (I look at their lotus eyes that looked directly at me.)

Y/n - Without Hari, Shri is also incomplete, but only time can tell. (I was about to leave but Narayan holds back my hand.)

Narayan - You have answers to all questions than why you can't answer mine?

Y/n - The Answers you are looking for only with time you will understand them.

Narayan - Time is not beyond me but you are.

Y/n - Love everything has a time and now is not our time.

Narayan - Why is that? What is stopping us? What is stopping you?

Y/n - You have so many questions, love.

Narayan - I want answers, Narayani.

Y/n - Destiny and time is different but it's the same. Destiny takes its place with my wish, but everyone has the chance to make those own choices. Just like time it decided by you but even knowing what will happen still you can't stop it from happening. Because it's meant to happen.

Narayan - So you will never become Swamini of Vaikunth neither the eternal love of lord Narayan who stay by his side?

Y/n - You are forgetting. We are called by one name Narayan's Narayani. We are already one being. 

Narayan - There is differences.

Y/n - Only we make the difference.

Devi Narayani left as a tear fall from lord Narayan eye. Devi Narayani knew it hurt lord Narayan but it's not possible for them to be complete. Devi Narayani can't become lord Narayan's in this form. In earth one by one living being started to live.

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