Given lotus

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Next day Vishnu was looking for Vishnumaya but couldn't seem to find her. He looked everywhere in the palace. Soon he saw Queen Driti and goes to ask her.

Vishnu - Ranima, do you know where Vishnumaya is?

Driti - Probably wondering around. She always does that and make her father worried.

Vishnu - Worry but why?

Driti - Let it be. She probably will be in the garden.

Vishnu goes to the garden area as he saw Vishnumaya. He was about to walk toward her, when he saw someone else with her. That person give a lotus to Vishnumaya as she takes it happily. For some reason Vishnu didn't like it. He walk toward them.

Vishnu - Who might you be?

Y/n - It's Prince Varun. (Oh my Vishnu doesn't look too happy about this.)

Varun - Greetings.

Vishnu - What are you doing here Vishnumaya? I have been looking for you.

Y/n - Varun, this lotus is really beautiful. Thank you for giving it to me.

Varun - You are welcome.

Vishnumaya started to show Prince Varun around the palace. They were talking with one another as Vishnu was just following behind them.

Y/n - This is your chamber; you must be tired from the journey.

Varun - Thank you. I shall take some rest now.

Y/n - See you in the evening.

Vishnumaya left from there as Vishnu give an eye to Varun before leaving with Vishnumaya. Before she could enter her chamber Vishnu hold her hands as she smiled at him.

Y/n - What is it, Prince? (You are pouting too much, how adorable. )

Vishnu - Do you know Prince Varun? Have you meet before?

Y/n - Yes. We have met before. But why do you wish to know about that?

Vishnu - Because you seem too friendly with him.

Y/n - And is there something wrong with being friendly with someone?

Vishnu - You shouldn't be too friendly with another person.

Y/n - Then who should I be friendly with?

Vishnumaya started to step forward as Vishnu started to step backwards. But soon he was stopped by the wall. Vishnumaya brings her mouth close to Vishnu's ear.

Y/n - You look so cute when you pout like a child.

Vishnu - I pout like a child hmm.

Vishnu now turns around making Vishnumaya's back now facing the wall. Vishnu stared at Vishnumaya eyes, but soon a knock come from the door.

Y/n - Shh. Don't make any sound. (I open the door.)

Maids - Princess, Rajmata is looking for you.

Y/n - I will be there in a minute. (I close the door.)

Vishnu - I should also leave.

Y/n - Indeed you should.

In the evening everyone was in the dining hall. Vishnumaya was too focused hearing Varun's stories, that she didn't notice anything else. After dinner they were walking in the garden.

Y/n - Is Prince Vishnu is not going to talk to me?

Vishnu - It seems like you are too busy.

Y/n - Well, I am weak to stories can't help it, Prince.

Vishnu - Hey! Why do you always call me Prince?

Y/n - Then what you wish me to call you?

Vishnu - By my name Vishnu.

Y/n - I will one day but for now you are my Prince.

Vishnu - Your Prince? (She just smiled as moon light fall on her.)

Y/n - My Prince. (When will you remember our love?)

Both of them talked as they walk around the garden. As night pass by soon they left for those own chambers.

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