Sudden meeting

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After eating Krishna and Y/n was sitting on the cafe. It's getting late soon y/n has to leave. Krishna was holding y/n hand as she let's go of his hand.

Krishna - What was that for? (I try to take her hand again, but she pulled away.)

Y/n - It's late I have to go home, or mother will be worried.

Krishna - Alright, I will close the restaurant than we will go together.

Krishna closes the caf3 as they started to head toward those houses. Soon they reached home as Krishna looked at y/n.

Y/n - Don't look at me like that. Actually, there is something that is on my mind.

Krishna - What is that?

Y/n - You did open up a cafe, but you don't know how to run it.

Krishna - If you help me than I can run the cafe without any problem.

Y/n - Krishna you need people only my help wouldn't be enough.

Krishna - Alright tomorrow we are going look for employees.

Y/n - We? When did I agree on looking for employees with you?

Krishna - You will help your Krishna, like you helped today and always will.

Y/n - Now you are taking me for granted. I can't always help you.

Krishna - If it's not my love, who else will help me? 

Y/n - Okay enough with that tomorrow I will come by the cafe. Now I have to go.

Krishna - Not until you give me something. 

Y/n - Something? And what that might be?

Krishna - After every meal you should always have something sweet.

Y/n - I know what you are up to but it's not going to happen.

Y/n runs away before Krishna could catch her. When she goes inside her house. Her mother had a questionable look, y/n looked at her S/B who just smirk.

Mother - Why didn't you come back with your cousins?

Y/n - I happen to meet with a friend on our way back to home.

S/B - Friend or something else.

Mother - Something else? 

Y/n - Nothing mother. They are just messing around.

S/B - Auntie do you know today we go to a new cafe, and do you know who opened that cafe?

Mother - Who?

S/B - The new neighbors. And she knows him.

Mother - Know him? Of course, you two met with him the day he shifted here.

S/B - No she knows him before he (Sister put her hand in my mouth before I could say anything.)

Y/n - Mother we will go to our rooms now.

Y/n dragged her S/B with her inside the bedroom. S/B give her an eye which she ignored. Y/n go to fresh up but when she comes out, S/B are sitting on her bed still not sleeping. 

Y/n - What is it that you want to ask?

S/B - Who is he? Because I am 100% sure he is not any of your friend's cousin.

Y/n - You are right but for now stay quiet. No one should know about this.

S/B - So he is your lover? I knew it.

Y/n - No silly! Now stop getting too excited.

S/B - Soon he will be, I am already thinking about your wedding.

In the morning y/n left for the cafe. On her way she suddenly bumps into someone. As those eyes met with each other. It was none other than Arjun.

Y/n - Arjun. (He looked at me confused as I just smiled.)

Arjun - How do you know my name? Did we meet before? (She seems to someone I know but from where?)

Y/n - Maybe in our past life, our path cross.

Arjun - Past life? (I couldn't help but laugh at her comment.)

Krishna comes out from the restaurant seeing y/n outside. But she was not alone but rather with someone whose back is facing him. He walks toward them, as y/n noticed Krishna.

Y/n - You leave in this neighborhood?

Arjun - Yes. I just shifted here few days ago.

Krishna - Who are you talking to y/n? (Then I look at the guy it is Arjun.)

Y/n - Oh its Arjun who also came to live here few days ago. And this is Krishna who is also new here.

Arjun - It's nice meeting you. (I shake his hand, there is something about him.)

Krishna - Same here. (Y/n couldn't stop her giddy smile.)

Y/n - This cafe is Krishna's it has just opened, do visit sometime.

Arjun - Cafe in this neighborhood, then I will surely visit.

Y/n - Well I choose to help Krishna for the time being, so sure we will be meeting again.

Arjun - I will leave, and it's good to meet with you two.

Arjun left as Krishna and y/n enter the restaurant. Y/n sat down as she takes her phone out and started to write something on the notebook. As Krishna just stand there staring at her.

Y/n - Don't just stand there, we have lots of things to do.

Krishna - Yeah that's why you were spending your time on talking.

Y/n - I happen to meet with Arjun by surprise but we were supposed to meet sooner or later.

Krishna - Why do you always meet with people by surprise?

Y/n - Because life is full of surprises, and you are one of those surprises that life has given me. And I am thankful for that.

Krishna - Your sweet words wouldn't take you anywhere. (I sat down beside y/n.)

Y/n - It's fine as long it gets me to you. Now look here, we have to print this posters than give this poster to everyone. Whoever is looking for a job will come by the cafe.

Krishna - Okay but what if they are not suitable for the job then?

Y/n - We have to choose people who cake bake, make coffee, tea and knows how to serve costumers. I will link the details of your cafe in online. So, they can connect us there also.

Krishna started to print the poster as y/n started to put details online. Soon both of them divided the posters around those neighbors. 

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