Dhanvantani (Niladevi)

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Dhanvantani is lord Narayan avatar and Niladevi is Devi Narayani avatar, holding Amrit (Nectar of immorality) Skin which is just like the blue ocean.

Devs and Asurs fight over Amrit, lord Narayan and Devi Narayani take Mohini avatar and give away Amrit to Devs. After that lord Narayan and Devi Narayani emerged onto the milk of ocean as a diving light surrounded the whole ocean. Two divines being comes out whose skin just like the ocean that could drown anyone toward them, as Amrit vanished way from Devs hand, lord Narayan in Dhanvantani avatar holding Amrit, Sudarshan Chakra, Shakha and lotus in his four arms. He who is Master of universal knowledge, knowledge of medicine. Devi Narayani take Niladevi avatar accompanying Dhanvantani, who is Goddess of fortune, Holding Amrit, Gems, Sudarshan Chakra and lotus in her four hands.

Dhanvantani was so enchanted by Devi Narayani avatar Niladevi, her blue skin that sparkle like the stars. His lotus face light up with a big smile but soon that smile turned into frown. Because Niladevi suddenly left without any trace. He was distorted searching for her, Niladevi were supposed to be with him. After all of this ends Niladevi and Dhanvabtani have to emerge back to the ocean take birth and come back to those true form lord Narayan and Devi Narayani Swami, Swamini of Vaikunth. But it's not possible if he can't unite with Niladevi, his Shri. Then he started to think what might have cause his Shri to leave his side.

 Then he started to think what might have cause his Shri to leave his side

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A Naga named Takshaka took the blue gem💎 that fall from Niladevi hand. That was the reason she had to leave because that was meant for her Hari only. Niladevi go down to earth looking for that. Unknow to her that not seeing Niladevi by his side, he would not be too happy. Leaning those events Dhanvantani got so upset that he goes directly to Naglok. Upon hearing this, serpents-king Vasuki understand what transpired. Vasuki amassed thousands of serpents under the leadership of Drona, Pundarika and Dhananjaya against the entourage, but nothing could stop Dhanvantani from his rage. On the other side the blue gem was given none other than, Devi Mansa by Naga Takshaka, she knows that blue gem 💎is the reason of this all that is happening, but she is already enchanted by the gem as she refuses to give it away. Vasuki sent Devi Mansa who deemed it impossible to defeat Dhanvantani because no poison works on him. She held the Trishul given by Mahadev her father and aimed at Dhanvantani not knowing he is avatar of lord Narayan. Seeing this Mahadev himself appeared before them. Mahadev could see the sadness behind Dhanvantani raged eyes. Mahadev started to chant for Niladevi, hearings her brother Mahadev calls, she has appeared there but Dhanvantani could no longer focus as his anger was on its limit, that he didn't even notice his Shri. He has to be stopped or whole Naglok will be tormented, Niladevi started to chant in her divine voice to Dhanvantani.

Y/n - Om Namo Bhagavate, Vasudevaya Dhanvantraye Amrutha Kalasha, Hastaaya Sarva Maya Vinashanaya, Trailokya Nathaya Shri Mahavishnave Namaha.

Dhanvantani hearing his Shri voice and the chanting take all his anger away. Opening his eye's, he saw his Shri, Niladevi front of him. Eyes meet, Niladevi felt as her breath was taken away. His blue skin and his lotus face drawn her to him, she couldn't help but stare at those ocean eyes, adorned with rays. Dhanvantani smiled seeing his Shri loving gaze. The blue gem 💎 comes back to her hand as she placed it on lord Narayan, Dhanvantani's crown.

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