Narayan's heart & Mahadev's third eye

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Lord Narayan was in Vaikunth. But his thoughts were somewhere else. Because there still no sign of Devi Narayani.

Narayan - (Swamini, when will you come to see your Narayan?)

Y/n - (Narayan, I can always see you.)

Narayan - (Finally you remembered your Narayan.)

Y/n - (You have to remember the one you forget.)

Narayan - (And you forget about me.)

Y/n - (That's not possible Narayan.)

Narayan - (Priye, then why you are not coming back?)

Y/n - (Because I can't.)

Narayan - (Or you don't want to.)

Y/n - (....)

Narayan - (Do Narayani knows that Narayan misses her more than anything in this whole universe?)

Y/n - (Swami, I am the universe.)

Narayan - (Indeed, my universe.)

Y/n - (Soon time will come for us to meet again. Until then)

A tear falls from lord Narayan's eye as he could no longer feel Devi Narayan's presences. On the other side Shukracharya held a big Yagya to ask weapons from lord Narayan. So Asurs can use it on the war against Devs. Days went by but still lord Narayan didn't hear his prayers. Shukracharya was furious and goes to Vaikunth. Lord Narayan was sitting on Sheshnaag busy on his Yog Nidra. In anger Shukracharya put his feet directly to lord Narayan's chest right in his heart where Shri resist. At that moment Devi Narayani falls from the endless universe making whole universe shaken from its core. In Kailash Mahadev's third eye opened as its rage fall on the ocean making the whole ocean water rise.

Devs - What is happening?

Shukracharya banished from there, feeling lord's anger. In rage lord Narayan goes to Patal lok. And whole Patal lok can feel the wrath of lord Narayan. His Sudarshan Chakra started to kill all the Asurs mercilessly. Brahma dev seeing all of this. If Mahadev's and lord Narayan's rage is not stopped, then everything might come to an end.

Surya - Mahadev's and lord Narayan rage might bring the end.

Narad Muni - Narayan's Narayani. I never saw Prabu this angry before.

Indra - Brahma dev there has to be a way to stop this.

Brahma - Devi Narayani.

Brahma dev started to pray for Devi Narayani. Devi Narayani comes front of lord Narayan touching his chest right to his heart by calming him down.

Y/n - Narayan, Calm down.

Narayan - Narayani. You are here.

Y/n - It is now time, for our destined separation.

Narayan - It's not possible. Your Narayan cannot be separate from you.

Y/n - We will meet soon.

Narayan - No you aren't going anywhere. You are not leaving me. (I hold back her hand.)

Y/n - I am leaving, so we can meet again.

Narayan - I just got you and already have to lose you.

Y/n - Narayan can never lose his Narayani.

Narayan - It is because of the choice I made, isn't it?

Y/n - Something is just not in our hands. But I know you will find me and again make me yours.

Narayan - I will. But this journey going to be long Priye.

Y/n - In every birth on earth. You shall be the first thing I wish to see when I open my eyes.

Narayan - I will be the first thing you will see.

Devi Narayani started to disappear as her hand separated from lord Narayan's hand

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Devi Narayani started to disappear as her hand separated from lord Narayan's hand. Tears started to fall from their lotus eyes. Devi Narayani appeared front of Mahadev as she touched Mahadev's third eye calming down its rage by closing it. A tear falls from Mahadev's eye as well.

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