Padmakashtha Journey

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Prem lok

Krishna - This seed must be very special.

Y/n - That's why I wish to plant it together where our love is formed.

Krishna - But what is so special about this seed Priye?

Y/n - This is the seed of Padmakashtha. The flowers will bloom and surround the whole Prem lok with its beautiful petals.

Krishna - Now I can't wait to see when the flowers will bloom.

Y/n - Padmakashtha journey. It will bloom with our presence.

Devi Narayani eyes was only on lord Narayan. As he started to play his flute and Devi Narayani started to sing with the melody of his tune. Narad Muni comes there to meet with his Prabu and Mata, he was mesmerized by seeing Narayan's Narayani in Krishna's Krishnaa avatar. But suddenly lord Narayan disappeared which confused Narad Muni.

Narad Muni - What happened? How Prabu impression fade away from you Mata?

Y/n - Because it's almost time to start our next journey.

One of Devi Narayani's devotee was worshiping her. But as everyone knows Devi Narayani can't be worshipped without lord Narayan by her side. That's why even after his long prayers still his calls go unheard by Devi Narayani. This angered lord Narayan that this Devotee still didn't understand why Devi Narayani choose to unheard his calls.

Dev - Devi Narayani, please appear front of me

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Dev - Devi Narayani, please appear front of me. I wish to see you.

Krishna - Dev are you not aware about the fact, that you can't do Narayani Pujja without Narayan in it?

Dev - Forgive me lord Narayan. I only wish to see Devi Narayani and I forget.

Krishna - If you have such a restlessness whole praying, how can you call yourself a devotee?

Dev - I understand my mistake but my devotion for Devi Narayani is true.

Krishna - Devi Narayani shall not response to your calls until you understand the value of devotion!

Every word of lord Narayan sound like thunderstorm in the sky. A tear falls from Devi Narayani eyes as destiny started its flow. On the other side Diti has come to Vaikunth.

Diti - I have been deceived and I have been deceived by none other than Mata Narayani herself!

Narayan - Devi be aware of who you are speaking to.

Diti - I know who I am speaking to lord Narayan. Answer me Mata Narayani why Aditi children is born as Devs and mine as Asurs?

Y/n - Your sons are born under the shadow of your personality. Everyone deeds and intent decide those destiny.

Diti - I have learned a lesson today. There is no point in blaming others for your sorrow.

Y/n - Do as you wish because your fate will be decided by your choices.

Diti - You didn't honor my devotion, my son's acquire heaven and restore my lost honor, this is my vow.

Krishna - Then hear my words also Devi. From today, until the eternity, Dev lok will be ruled by the Devs and Patal lok will be ruled by Asurs.

Diti knew as long lord Narayan is in Devs side Asurs can't not take over the Dev lok. So, she planned to take lord Narayan from Devs. She goes to one of Narayan's Narayani Devotee. On the other side lord Narayan was being tense for some reason.

Y/n - Tell me what is going on your conscious and unconscious mind.

Krishna - I have a feeling as if we're soon going to struggle in life.

Y/n - Neither the time can be stopped nor the flow of the destiny.

Fight of Asurs and the Devs started. Lord Narayan himself goes to stop the war. On the other side Devi Narayani heard her devotee call for her.

Y/n - The time has come for Narayan's Narayani to separation.

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