Kala pradarshan

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"There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness"

Next day Kala Pradarshan was about to start. Subhadra was already excited for the competition. Soon they get ready, and mother Kunti come to take them. As they enter the stadium, princess Dushala introduced herself also. Subhadra sat down beside mother Kunti and Krishnaa sat down beside Pitamaha Bhishm, who greeted her with a smile. Soon completion started as one by one all the prince started to come. Kauravas and Pandavas duel started, Kauravas did cheat. Then Arjun entered the arena and Subhadra right way fall for him. Krishnaa just smiled at that.

But as Arjun entered the Arena a pile of rocks falls on him. Mother Kunti got worried as a tear fall from mother Kunti's eye, but before it could fall on the ground. An arrow comes across from the arena, everyone saw Arjun was standing there without any Scratches in his body. Soon Duryodhan also entered but his eyes were on someone. It was Krishnaa as Arjun saw this; he stands in front Duryodhan.

Arjun - Don't stare at her. (I dislike his stares on her.)

Duryodhan - Why not? I like her and after winning the competition I will ask her hand in marriage.

Arjun - You wouldn't do that. We will see who wins. (I am not letting that happen.)

Arjun and Duryodhan duel started but Arjun shot an arrow freezing Duryodhan in one place. Guru Dronachariya announced Arjun as the best archer. But suddenly an arrow comes unfreezing Duryodhan. Everyone was looking at who shoot the arrow, it was none other than Karna.

Bhishm - Who is he?

Y/n - Bhagwan Parshuram student. (I couldn't help but smile seeing Karn.)

Pitamaha Bhishm looked shocked hearing what Krishnaa said. Bhagwan Parshuram don't teach anyone. That means he is not any normal being. Karn challenge Arjun for a Duel but Dronachariya stopped saying a Sut can't participant. Mama Shakuni think it as a chance for new alley. Duryodhan listens to Mama Shakuni and make Karn king of Anga. Pitamaha was trying to stop it, but Dhritarashtra announced Karn as Anga new King. Arjun and Karn duel started, and Arjun shot an arrow but before it could hit Karn an golden armor appeared in front of his body as shield. Mother Kunti knew right away it is her son. The duel becomes tense as none of them was ready to give up. Mother Kunti couldn't see his son fight with one aother. Krishnaa saw mother Kunti's helplessness. Krishnaa closed her eyes and moved her hand as the sun was starting to set.

Bhishm - The sun has gone down. This duel ends here.

Duryodhan - But no one has won!

Dronachariya - Arjun has already won and this was a competition between Hastinapur princes.

After the duel ended mother Kunti took Krishnaa and Subhadra toward Pandeva's common chamber. Everyone was already there. Arjun saw Krishnaa and walks toward her.

Arjun - Krishnaa come with me. I have something to talk with you. (I take her by the hand.)

Y/n - Sakha what is so urgent? (We are standing in front of the balcony. Arjun looked at me seriously.)

Arjun - Stay away from Duryodhan. His intension is not good.

Y/n - Why are you talking like Krishna now? And how you are too sure about that?

Arjun - He is planning something. And I am sure that's why Madhav also told you to stay away from him.

Y/n - You and your Madhav are too much sometimes. Anyway, you did well out there.

Arjun - Thanks. Now let's go or mother will come to get us.

They enter the room as everyone already sat on the dinner table. Arjun meets with Subhadra who was a blushing mess. Tomorrow she couldn't meet with Pandeva's because she was busy with princess Dushala. After the dinner everyone left for their chamber.

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