Andhak (Tulsi)

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In kailash, Parvati held Tulsi Pujja. Devs and Devis was also invited as everyone one by one did Tulsi Pujja. Ganesh had question after Arti everyone sat down.

Ganesh - Mother, why everyone does Pujja of Tulsi?

Parvati - Because Tulsi is most pure and grows at every house. It shows symbol of devotion.

Ganesh - Symbol of devotion?

Kartikeya - Yes, In Narayan's Narayani Pujja Tulsi is given by devotees.

Ganesh - But why Tulsi?

Saraswati - Because Tulsi is associated with devi Narayani in one of her many avatars.

After telling the story Ganesh understand why Tulsi is worshipped. They all eat the food of Bhog that Parvati has prepared for everyone. Gunav has something on his mind.

Narayan - Son, what is it that you want to know?

Gunav - What is the reason of my birth?

Narayan - Reason? Why do you need reasons?

Gunav - Everyone take birth for some reason. Like brother Kartikeya take birth to end Tarakaasur.

Narayan - So you want to know what journey should you take?

Gunav - Yes. What journey should I take, and which path should I choose?

Narayan - For now, choose which path you wish to but remember not to choose a path that might lead you toward a direction you can't turn back from.

Gunav left but has confused mind did get the answers but not the answer he was looking for. Devi Narayani saw her son lost in his own thoughts.

Y/n - Love it seems like you confused our son more with your answers.

Narayan - For now, he has to be confused to able find the answers on his own.

Y/n - It's too early for him to walk on that path and start his journey.

Narayan - But the question raised in his mind can't wait. He needed some answers to his questions.

Y/n - But answering half question will only leave him more confused.

Narayan - Confused? But in the end that confusion will lead him to his path. The reason of his birth and to find who he is.

Y/n - But it might lead him somewhere else also.

Narayan - Somewhere else? (What is it that you are thinking?)

Y/n - Hope the choices he makes helps him in his journey and lead him to his path.

When Andhak was born. Mahadev could not see, and everything seemed to be dark to him. Parvati's hands perspired from the exertion and the sweat fall down on the ground. From the sweat a child was born because he was born from darkness. Mahadev and Parvati named their son Andhak. As Mahadev promised the son that will born from his sweat, he will give it to King Hrinya.

Parvati - How can I give my son to someone? I just had him.

Mahadev - Try to understand Parvati he is born so I can give him to King Hrinya.

Parvati - Fine. But if any harm comes to my son, I will not forgive anyone.

King Hrinya raised Andhak. Mahadev asked Shukracharya to become Andhak's Guru. Shukracharya tried to remove darkness from his mind, but he was destined to be dark. Andhak fall for a beautiful girl name vrinda and soon they had a son name Adi. Vrinda blessed by gods, Andhak never thought she will leave his side. But there is a say, who comes also will leave one day. Anger take over him as he attacked Kailash. Nandi easily defeated the Asurs and also defeated the Asurs soldiers who accompanied their king. But Andhak returned and again a fight raged with Nandi for five hundred years. Brahma dev, Indra dev and the other devs also came to help in the fight with the Asurs.

Parvati - Mahadev what is happening?

Mahadev - Choices that we make today will decide our future.

Parvati - What is decided for Andhak?

Mahadev - Every wrong deed had to be punished.

Mahadev engaged Andhak in battle and pierced his heart. But Andhak was able to recover and strike Mahadev with his mace. The blood that fell on the ground from the wound gave rise to the eight forms of Bhairava. Mahadev impaled Andhak on his Trishul and lifted him upon it.

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