Kumar Kartikeya

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Brahma dev give Tarakaasur a boon that only Mahadev's son can kill him. Devs are getting worried if Mahadev's son soon doesn't take birth, then Tarakaasur will not be stopped. Mahadev and Devi Parvati energy takes a form but to save the child from Asurs eye, Devi Ganga takes the fetus with her. Devi Parvati gets mad when her child falls from Devi Gangas hand and divided in six parts.

Parvati - Devi Ganga. Because of you I lost my child.

Ganga - Devi Parvati. I only did it to protect him.

Parvati - Protect? Taking my child away from me!

Ganga - Devi Parvati, I didn't mean to take him away from you.

Mahadev and lord Narayan also comes there seeing Devi Parvati enrage.

Ganga - Devi because of your son, I also felt the feeling of a mother. I am also in same pain as you are.

Mahadev - Calm down Parvati.

Parvati - No Mahadev today no one can save Devi Ganga from the anger of Mahakali.

Ganga - Mata will protect me.

Ganga started to call for Devi Narayani as Parvati take her Mahakali form. Devi Narayani comes front of Mahakali and stands front of Devi Ganga. Devi Narayani put her hands front of Mahakali as whole universe shaken up. Mahakali takes her form back to Parvati, but her anger now turns into sadness.

Parvati - Devi Narayani why you decided such a destiny for my child?

Y/n - Everything happens for a reason Devi.

Parvati - I don't want to hear that. You wouldn't understand until you feel the same pain.

Mahadev - Parvati don't say something that you might regret later.

Narayan - Sister Parvati. (It can't be.)

Parvati - 'I curse you Devi Narayani, you shall also feel the same pain as me you shall also be separated from your child just like I did.'

Mahadev - Parvati!

Y/n - I accept your curse, Devi Parvati.

A tear falls from lord Narayan's eye. Devi Narayani then takes Devi Parvati to Apsara lok where she saw her child that divined in six parts. Devi Parvati told the Devis that six of them are her children.

Devi's - But Devi because of them we get to be happy being a mother.

Parvati - As a mother I understand your feelings.

Y/n - Devi Parvati it will be safe here in Apsara lok. No Asurs can enter here.

Parvati - But I want to see my child in one form not divided in six.

Devi Narayani made six of those children in one as Devi Parvati holds her son for the last time before giving him to Six Apsara's. Devi Parvati understand why Devi Narayani did all of this and Devi Ganga was only trying to protect her son.

Parvati - Devi Narayani forgive me for giving you such a curse.

Y/n - Don't be Devi. Because of you I will feel the happiness of a child.

Devi Narayani smiled because of Devi Uma curse to Devs, they can't have children from those wives. But because of Devi Parvati curse again Devi Narayani can bear her child.

Narayan - Why Swamini?

Y/n - What why? We will have our child.

Narayan - But you will be separate from our child, and it will cause you pain.

Y/n - But our child needs to be born to bring balance between Devs and Asurs.

That's the day, Kartikeya is born as baby on the banks of Gangas. He takes birth to end Tarakaasur.

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